Kansas State Court Says Secretary of State Has Authority to Create Dual List of Registered Voters

On July 11, a Kansas state court ruled that the Secretary of State did not exceed his authority when he determined that voters who registered using the federal voter registration form can only vote on federal office, not state or county office. See this story. The Kansas Secretary of State does not like the federal voter registration form because, unlike the Kansas voter registration form, it allows people to sign under penalty of perjury that they are citizens, whereas the Kansas state form requires documentary proof of citizenship.

The Tenth Circuit is currently hearing a case over whether Kansas can force the federal government to amend the federal form when it is used in Kansas. Assuming Kansas loses the federal case, the Secretary of State is determined to implement a system in which voters who used the federal form cannot vote in state and local elections.

Hearing Set in New Mexico Republican Lawsuit on Lack of Enough Voting Machines in Rio Rancho

Oral argument is set for August 19, in Fleming v Gutierrez, in U.S. District Court in New Mexico. This is the case in which some Republican candidates and voters sued the county clerk of Sandoval County, New Mexico, for having so few places for voters in Rio Rancho to vote in November 2012. Some voters were forced to wait in line for four hours, or miss their chance to vote. Rio Rancho is a Republican stronghold.

Kentucky Judicial Candidate Sues Over Rules That Prevent Him from Telling Voters he is a Registered Republican

Kentucky has non-partisan judicial elections. On June 19, 2014, Robert Winter Jr. sued the Kentucky Judicial Conduct Commission, because it had threatened him with sanctions for having sent campaign literature to the voters in his district, telling them that he is a life-long Republican and that three of his opponents (whom he named in the literature) are registered Democrats. The case is Winter v Wolnitzek, eastern district, 2:14cv-119. See this story about his lawsuit.

California Certifies Election Returns for June 3, 2014 Primary; Turnout was 25.2% of Registered Voters

On July 11, the California Secretary of State finished the official canvass of votes for the June 3, 2014 primary. Here are the results. The Secretary’s press release today verifies that turnout was 25.2% of registered voters, the lowest turnout for a statewide election in California history.