Jim Jenkins, Independent U.S. Senate Candidate, Certified for Nebraska Ballot

On July 10, the Nebraska Secretary of State’s office said Jim Jenkins has enough valid signatures to be on the November ballot as an independent for U.S. Senate. He is the first independent candidate for U.S. Senate to be on the Nebraska ballot since 2002. Here is his web page.

The U.S. Senate race will be a three-candidate race. The only minor party on the Nebraska ballot is the Libertarian Party. Although there are four Libertarians running for statewide office, no Libertarian is running for U.S. Senate.

Republicans Might Still Choose a Convention Opening Date of June 27

According to this story, the Republican Party’s choice of Cleveland for the 2016 national convention does not foreclose either a June 27 opening date, or a July 18 opening date.

According to this story, a June 27 opening date might conflict with the National Basketball Association championship games.

A national convention that is held in June gives an opportunity for people unsatisfied with the results of the convention considerable time to support a presidential candidate running outside the two major parties. All but four states have a method for a candidate to get on the ballot for President with a deadline in July, August or September. The four states with earlier deadlines are North Carolina, Texas, New Mexico, and Illinois.