Kansas Gubernatorial Poll

On June 26, SurveyUSA released a poll for the Kansas gubernatorial poll. Scroll down to question five. The results: Democrat Paul Davis 47%, Republican incumbent Sam Brownback 41%, Libertarian Keen Umbehr 5%, undecided 7%.

SurveyUSA Polls generally give the partisan leanings of respondents. This poll shows that 11% of the independents, 6% of the Republicans, but only 1% of the Democrats, favor the Libertarian nominee.

The Libertarian Party is the only ballot-qualified party on the ballot in Kansas, except for the two major parties. The party remains ballot-qualified if it polls 1% for any statewide race. If the Libertarian gubernatorial candidate polls as much as 5%, the party will be entitled to nominate by primary in 2016; otherwise it will continue to nominate by convention. Thanks to PoliticalWire for the link.

Election Returns, Special Election, U.S. House District 19, Florida

On June 24, Florida held a special election for the U.S. House, District 19. The results: Republican Curt Clawson 66.95%, Democrat April Freeman 29.32%, Libertarian Ray Netherwood 3.73%. The write-ins for the declared write-in candidate, Timothy Rossano, haven’t been counted yet. Here is a link to the Secretary of State’s election returns page.

The last time this seat was up, in November 2012, the vote was: Republican 62.0%, Democratic 35.8%, independent 2.2%.

Republican Presidential Convention Will Start on June 27 if Kansas City is Chosen; Otherwise July 18

According to this article, if the Republican Party chooses Kansas City for its 2016 convention site, the convention will start on June 27. If one of the other three cities that is under consideration is chosen, it will start on July 18. The city will be chosen in August 2014.

If the convention does start on June 27, that will be the earliest major party presidential convention since 1948, when Republicans met starting on June 21 in Philadelphia. A convention that early will put pressure on states that hold presidential primaries in June to move them to an earlier month. Those states are California, New Jersey, Montana, South Dakota, New Mexico, and Utah.

California Bill, Easing Number of Signatures in Lieu of Filing Fee in Special Elections, Advances

On June 24, California AB 2233 passed the Senate Elections Committee unanimously. It cuts the number of signatures in lieu of the filing fee in special legislative and congressional elections. The rationale for the bill is that in special elections, the petitioning period for this type of petition is invariably shorter than the petitioning period in regular elections.