New Hampshire’s Largest Newspaper Covers Libertarian Candidate for U.S. Senate

The New Hampshire Union Leader has this article about Gardner Goldsmith, the Libertarian Party’s nominee for U.S. Senate from New Hampshire. The article talks about why minor party candidates run for important office. The article is also notable because generally the Union Leader, the largest newspaper in New Hampshire, does not carry news about minor party candidates.

Most famously, in 1992, on the day of the presidential primary, the Union Leader had prepared a front page with a banner headline announcing that Patrick Buchanan had carried Dixville Notch. Dixville Notch is famous for opening its polls at 12:01 a.m. on election day and closing them an hour later. Inhabitants cooperate, knowing that the town’s election results will then be reported nationwide (in presidential election years, both for the general and the primaries) on election day. The Manchester Union had reasons to assume that Pat Buchanan would defeat President George H. W. Bush in Dixville Notch and expected to make that the front page story. But, in reality, Libertarian Andre Marrou carried Dixville Notch, suprising the newspaper’s editors and just about everyone else. The paper then scrapped the proposed Buchanan story, and confined the story that Marrou had carried the hamlet to a tiny article a few sentences long. At the time, the Libertarian Party had its own presidential primary, and more Dixville Notch voters chose to vote in the Libertarian presidential primary than the presidential primary of either major party. Because 1992 was the Libertarian Party’s first primary, New Hampshire election law let members of any party choose the Libertarian primary ballot.

Nebraska Gubernatorial Poll

On June 18, PublicPolicyPolling released a Nebraska gubernatorial poll. The results: Republican Pete Ricketts 42%, Democrat Chuck Hassebrook 38%, Libertarian Mark Elworth 8%, undecided 13%. See here for more details.

Mark Elworth is the first Libertarian Party gubernatorial candidate in Nebraska history. His chief campaign issue is marijuana law reform. Thanks to Michael for the link.

New North Carolina U.S. Senate Poll

On June 17, Public Policy Polling released a U.S. Senate poll for North Carolina. The results: Democratic incumbent Kay Hagan 39%, Republican Thom Tillis 34%, Libertarian Sean Haugh 11%, undecided 16%. See here for more details. A supplemental question asks about support for the major party candidates if the Libertarian were not in the race, and it shows that Haugh’s showing is not altering the outcome.