California June 3 Primary Turnout was 24%

On June 5, the California Secretary of State released the number of ballots still uncounted from the June 3, 2014 primary. That number is 1,011,398. When that figure is added to the number of votes cast for Governor that had been counted as of the same point, 3,296,369, the sum is 4,307,767. The number of registered voters in California just before the primary was 17,722,006. This yields a 24.3% turnout.

Not all of the uncounted ballots will be valid, because many of them are provisionals, and most provisional ballots are found invalid, because the person who cast that vote wasn’t registered to vote. On the other hand, there are some ballots which invariably were blank for Governor.

The previous lowest primary turnout in California history was the June 2008 primary, which had turnout of 28.2% turnout. That primary had no statewide offices on the ballot, because the presidential primary had been held in March 2008.

Neutral Poll for Florida U.S. House Race with Only a Republican and a Libertarian Shows Libertarian at 31%

On June 6, SaintPetersBlog released results of a poll for the U.S. House race, 13th district. The only candidates on the ballot are Republican incumbent David Jolly and Libertarian Lucas Overby. The results: Jolly 47%, Overby 31%, undecided 22%.

This is the first neutral professional poll ever conducted for a U.S. House race between just a single major party nominee and a minor party nominee, as far as is known. Generally when there is only a single major party candidate running, no one is motivated to spend the money to conduct a poll. This race is unusual. Generally when only a single major party person is running, the district overwhelmingly favors the party of that single major party candidate. But this district is fairly closely balanced between the two major parties. In November 2012, this district voted 50% for President Obama and 49% for Mitt Romney.

The highest share of the vote any Libertarian nominee for U.S. House ever received was 31.55%, in the November 2012 election for the Kansas 3rd district, centered on Kansas City. That was also a two-candidate race between a Republican and a Libertarian, Joel Balam. Thanks to IndependentPoliticalWire for the link.

Four-Way Massachusetts Gubernatorial Poll

On June 6, the Boston Globe released this Massachusetts gubernatorial poll. The results: Democrat Martha Coakley 37%; Republican Charlie Baker 32%; independent Jeffrey S. McCormick 7%; United Independent Party nominee Evan Falchuk 2%; undecided 22%.

The primaries are not until September 9, and there is no certainty that the candidates named above will be the major party nominees, but they are considered the most likely nominees. Thanks to PoliticalWire for the link.

Green Party Candidate Wins Non-Partisan Election in Massachusetts

On May 13, Damon Jespersen, a registered member of the Green Party, was elected Selectman of Newbury, Massachusetts. He placed first, and ousted an incumbent. Even though the Green Party is not now ballot-qualified in Massachusetts, election officials keep track of registrants in certain unqualified parties that have asked for registration rights. The Massachusetts Green Party expects to regain its qualified status in November 2014, because it is running for three statewide partisan offices, and expects to poll at least 3% for at least one of them, if not all three offices. The three offices are Secretary of State, Auditor, and Treasurer. Minor parties always poll 3% for these offices in Massachusetts.