Four More Last-Minute New Jersey Independent Candidates file for U.S. Senate

On the afternoon of August 13, four more independent candidates filed for U.S. Senate in the New Jersey special election. They are:
(1) Stuart Meissner, whose ballot label is “Alimony Reform Now”, submitted 833 signatures
(2) Eugene LaVergne, whose ballot label is “D-R Party”, submitted 864 signatures
(3) Pablo Olivera, whose label is “Unity is Strength”, submitted 996 signatures
(4) Robert DePasquale, who has different labels in different counties, submitted 976 signatures.

New Jersey is the only state in which an independent candidate for statewide office can have different labels in different counties. In some counties DePasquale is using “No Amnesty Period”; in others, “American Citizens First”; and in yet others, “Jobs for Americans.”

If anyone challenges any of these petitions, some of them might not survive. 800 valid signatures are needed. If all of these candidates remain on the ballot, there will be eight candidates.

Colorado Democrats Will Appeal Decision that Extended Deadline for Candidates to get on Special Election Ballot

On August 13, Colorado Democrats said they would appeal the August 12 ruling of a state district court. The lower court ruled that candidates in the upcoming two special State Senate elections can have until August 26 to submit petitions to get on the ballot. See this story. Thanks to Marilyn Marks for the link.

New Jersey Special U.S. Senate Election Will Probably Include Four Candidates

The October 16, 2013 special election for U.S. Senate in New Jersey will probably only include four candidates. They will be the two winners of the major party primaries being held on August 13, along with two independent candidates. One is Antonio Sabas, whose ballot label is Freedom of Choice. The other will be Edward C. Stackhouse, whose ballot label is “Ed the Barber.” UPDATE: after this post was written, four more candidates filed (on the afternoon of the deadline day), so this post is no longer accurate. There may be as many as eight candidates.

This is the first U.S. Senate election in New Jersey history with no minor party nominees on the ballot. Generally statewide elections in New Jersey have five or six candidates on the ballot, because the petition requirement is only 800 valid signatures.

Libertarian Party Wins Colorado State Court Lawsuit over Petition Deadline in Special Legislative Elections

On the evening of August 12, a state court in Colorado ruled in favor of the Libertarian Party, in the lawsuit over the deadline for candidates to get on the ballot for the upcoming September special State Senate elections. See this story. The new deadline for candidates to get on the ballot is August 26. A statute had said the deadline was at the end of July, but the State Constitution says the deadline is ten days before the election.

The decision apparently means that the election will still be held on September 10, but that voters will vote at the polls, instead of by all-mail ballot.