Peace & Freedom Party Gains 2,594 Registrations in Los Angeles County in Last Nineteen Days

Los Angeles County, California, keeps a running total of how many registered voters there are in each qualified party on its web page. See here.

Between July 7 and July 26, the number of registered voters in the county declined, probably because the county is doing a purge. The number of registered voters in each qualified party (except the Peace & Freedom Party) declined between those dates, and the number of registered independents also declined. However, the number of Peace & Freedom Party registrants increased by 2,594 voters. This is because the party is doing a registration drive.

Antonio Sabas, Independent Candidate, Files to be on New Jersey Ballot for U.S. Senate in October 2013

Antonio Sabas has become the first non-major party candidate to file to be on the October 16, 2013 ballot for U.S. Senate in New Jersey. His ballot label is “Freedom of Choice.” However, he only turned in 920 signatures, which could make him vulnerable to a petition challenge if anyone challenged him. The law requires 800 valid signatures. The petition deadline is August 13, 2013. His web page is UPDATE: Sabas actually submitted approximately 1,400 signatures, even though the State Elections web page continues to show the 920 figure.

Meanwhile, Governor Chris Christie still has not acted on AB 4237, which the legislature sent to him on June 27. This bill moves the 2013 election for state office from November 5 to October 16. If the bill were signed, New Jersey taxpayers would save $12,000,000, because without the bill, there is a general special election in October and another general election in November.

Minor Party Pennsylvania Lawsuit Starts to Move in Third Circuit

On July 25, the Third Circuit set a briefing schedule in Constitution Party of Pennsylvania v Aichele, 13-1952. The parties’ first brief is due September 3, 2013. This is the case that challenges Pennsylvania’s unique challenge-system that puts petitioning groups at risk of huge court fees if their petitions are found insufficient. The U.S. District Court had ruled that the Constitution, Green and Libertarian Parties don’t have standing to challenge the system, which was an absurd conclusion give that the Constitution Party withdrew its 2012 petition because it was afraid of the possibility of the financial risk.