Two Virginia Gubernatorial Polls Show Importance of Including Ballot-Listed Candidates in Polls

On July 16, both Public Policy Polling and Quinnipiac University Polls released Virginia gubernatorial election returns. The Public Policy Poll included all three candidates listed on the ballot, and got these results: Democrat Terry McAuliffe 41%, Republican Ken Cuccinelli 37%, Libertarian Rob Sarvis 7%, undecided 15%. See the details here.

The Quinnipiac University Poll did not mention Sarvis, and merely asked respondents if they favor McAuliffe, Cuccinelli, or “someone else.” The “someone else” category polled at only 1%. In this poll, McAuliffe was at 43% and Cuccinelli at 39%, with 17% undecided.

If Sarvis could get 10%, the Virginia Libertarian Party would be ballot-qualified for the next two elections. Thanks to Doug McNeil for the link.

Activists in Turkey Fight to Reduce Vote Threshold for Parties to Win Seats in Parliament

Turkey uses proportional representation, but requires parties to poll 10% of the national vote to have any seats in Parliament. This article says that the movement to lower the threshold to something lower is picking up popular support. The article says that one woman is walking the 280 miles from Istanbul to Ankara to gather publicity for the idea.