Arizona Libertarian Party and Arizona Green Party Ask for Reconsideration in Voter Registration Form Lawsuit

On April 15, the Libertarian Party and the Green Party asked a U.S. District Court in Arizona to reconsider the decision of last month that upheld Arizona voter registration forms. Arizona law provides all qualified parties with their own mandatory primary. But the voter registration form only gives a checkbox to the two largest parties in the state. There has never been any other state that regularly prints up primary ballots for all qualified parties, and yet lists only two of them on the voter registration form.

Montana Bill to a Referendum on a Top-Two System Advances

On April 15, the Montana House Administration Committee heard testimony on SB 408, and passed it. This is the bill to ask the voters in 2014 if they want to establish a top-two primary. The bill passed 12-7, on a party line vote, with all Republicans voting “Yes” and all Democrats voting “No.” The state chair of the Republican Party testified in favor of the bill.

Working Families Party May Contest City Council Elections in Philadelphia

Leaders of the Working Families Party are mulling over contesting the Phildelphia, Pennsylvania city-council at-large seats. Generally the Working Families Party doesn’t organize in states unless those states permit fusion. Pennsylvania doesn’t permit fusion, except in a very limited manner, but Philadelphia does have a provision that makes it possible for a party with less than majority support to win seats on the city council. That is attractive to the Working Families Party. See this story.

The Phildelphia provision, like similar provisions in Washington, D.C., and in some cities in Connecticut, makes it impossible for any party to run for all the available at-large seats. That leaves an opening for parties who aren’t the dominant party in the city to win some seats.