Even Though Georgia Certified Election Returns, the Write-in Tally Still Isn’t Complete

The Georgia Secretary of State’s office says not all counties have forwarded the write-in totals for the declared write-in candidates, so even though the Secretary’s web page purports to have the final results, they really aren’t final yet. Until the write-in results come in, no one can even know the precise number of votes cast in Georgia for President or any other office. The Secretary of State hopes to have the complete results by Thanksgiving.

U.S. Senator Chris Coons Introduces Bill to Ease Long Lines at Polling Places

On November 15, U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Delaware) introduced S3635, which provides incentives to states to solve the problem that in many places, voters had to stand in line at the polls for hours. See this Roll Call story. The text of the bill is not yet posted to the web page for the Library of Congress. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.

Ninth Circuit Will Decide Constitutionality of California Residency Requirement for Petition Circulators

The lawsuit Libertarian Party of Los Angeles County v Bowen, 11-55316, will be decided by the Ninth Circuit, probably in the next few months. The issue is the California law that requires petition circulators to live in the district of the candidate whose petition they are circulating. The state acknowledges that the law is unconstitutional, but says the plaintiffs don’t have standing. On August 21, 2012, the Ninth Circuit had sent this case to mediation, but mediation has failed, so the case returns to the Ninth Circuit.