Green Party Nominee Elected to Arkansas Legislature

For the second time, the Green Party has won a state legislative election in Arkansas. Fred Smith, the Green Party nominee for State House, 50th district, was elected yesterday. His only ballot-listed opponent originally had been the incumbent Democrat, Hudson Hallum. However, Hallum resigned from the race because of an indictment. Smith might still have been defeated if the Democratic Party had rallied behind a write-in candidate, but the Democratic Party did not find anyone else to run.

Smith himself was a former legislator. When he was in the legislature in the past, he was a Democrat. He is also a former member of the Harlem Globetrotters. See this story.

In Maine, independent incumbent Ben Chipman, who has been closely associated with the Green Party and who was a member of the Green Party until he became an independent in 2010, was re-elected to the State House as an independent candidate.

Preliminary National Totals for Some Minor Party Presidential Candidates

Google has compiled the national totals for various presidential candidates who were on the ballot, but they are very faulty. Google figures for Virgil Goode, for example, show less than 10,000, when the preliminary returns from the 26 states in which he was on the ballot yield a total of 108,195 votes. Google calculates 1,139,562 for Gary Johnson as of several hours ago, but of course all these numbers are constantly increasing as more votes are counted. Probably at least 8% of all votes nationwide still haven’t been counted, perhaps more. Google, several hours ago, showed Jill Stein at 396,684. It seems likely that Roseanne Barr (whose google total is 48,797) polled more votes than Rocky Anderson, whose google total several hours ago was 34,521.

Gary Johnson Outpolls President Obama in Wibaux County, Montana

The presidential vote in Wibaux County, Montana, is: Mitt Romney 421, Gary Johnson 98, President Obama 25. The percentages are: Romney 77.4%, Johnson 18.0%, Obama 4.6%. These figures are accurate and have been confirmed by the County election administrator. Wibaux County is at the eastern end of Montana and borders North Dakota. Thanks to Austin Cassidy for this news.

Jill Stein’s Best State is Maine

Jill Stein received 1.3% of the Maine vote, making Maine the first state that has certainly cast as much as 1% of its presidential vote for the Green Party nominee since 2000, when Ralph Nader polled over 1% in most states. Stein’s next best states are Alaska and Oregon, where final tallies may also show her just over the 1% mark.

Two Politicians Who Promoted Top-Two Primary Systems Lose

Two politicians who have staked their reputations on advocacy of top-two primary systems have been defeated. In Washington state, according to this story, it is likely that Republican Rob McKenna has lost the Governor’s race. McKenna is the current Attorney General, and a very strong supporter of top-two in his state. He personally argued in the U.S. Supreme Court in defense of Washington state’s top-two law in 2007. This year, he used his influence in the Republican Party to persuade the party not to put its name on the cert petition filed by the Washington state Democratic and Libertarian Parties. UPDATE: McKenna conceded on November 9.

In California, former Lieutenant Governor Abel Maldonado, who forced the California legislature to place Proposition 14 on the ballot at the June 2010 election, has lost his Congressional race. The California Secretary of State’s web page shows that with all precincts reporting (although many absentee and provisional ballots remain to be counted), Maldonado polled 45.2%, losing to incumbent Democratic congresswoman Lois Capps, who has 54.8%.