Libertarians Are Only Group to File a Statewide Petition in West Virginia

The West Virginia filing deadline for newly-qualifying parties and independent candidates has passed. The only group that submitted a statewide petition was the Libertarian Party, which submitted 10,246 signatures. The legal requirement is 7,135 for President and a slightly lesser number for Governor.

The Green Party is already on the ballot in West Virginia.

BBC Says U.S. Presidential Candidates Spend 23 Times Per Voter as is Spent in British Parliamentary Elections

This interesting BBC article, written for a British audience, describes campaign spending in the U.S. presidential race this year. The article says on a per-voter basis, American presidential candidates spent 23 times as much money as the British candidates for House of Commons put together. The article also mentions that multiple political parties in Britain get free air time. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.