This poll for the Iowa U.S. House race, 3rd district, shows the two incumbents tied with each other, and one of the other candidates in the race with a large vote. There are two incumbents running against each other because Iowa lost a U.S. House seat after the 2010 census. The results: Republican incumbent Tom Latham 45%, Democratic incumbent Leonard Boswell 45%, independent Scott Batcher 7%, other or undecided 3%.
Batcher is a healthcare consultant. Here is his web page, which appears to have been created in 2010 when he ran in the Republican primary in the Third District. That 2010 Republican primary had seven candidates, and Batcher placed 7th.
The ballot lists four candidates, but the poll did not mention the fourth candidate, Socialist Workers Party nominee David Rosenfeld. The 3rd district includes Des Moines and the southwest quadrant of Iowa. In 2010, the Socialist Workers Party nominee for the 3rd district seat polled 2.60%. Thanks to Mike for the link.