Tennessee Legislature Passes Bill, Moving Deadline for a Newly-Qualifying Party from April to August

On April 25, the Tennessee legislature passed SB 3700, which moves the deadline for a newly-qualifying party to submit a petition from April to August. Parties that qualify by the August deadline nominate by convention. The bill has an urgency clause, so it goes into effect as soon as the Governor signs it.

The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 22-9 on August 16, and passed the House 98-1. The bill does not reduce the number of signatures, which continues to be 2.5% of the last gubernatorial vote. In 2012 that is 40,039 valid signatures.

Ohio Provisional Ballots, Counted at Last, Reverse the Original Outcome

On April 27, the Hamilton County (Ohio) Board of Elections finally counted the disputed provisional ballots from the 2010 election for a Juvenile Court Judge. The count shows that the Democratic nominee, Tracie Hunter, defeated the Republican nominee, John Williams. This reverses the original count. The original count did not include certain contested provisional ballots. See this story.