Andrew Straw, Green Party Congressional Candidate, Likely to Sue Indiana over Ballot Access

Andrew Straw, a Green Party candidate for U.S. House in Indiana’s Second District, and an attorney, is apparently going to sue Indiana over its ballot access laws. He apparently will base the lawsuit on the State Constitution, which requires that elections be free and equal. See this story.

Indiana is the only state with severely repressive ballot access laws in which there has been virtually no activism to change those laws. Indiana is one of only four states in which Ralph Nader never appeared on the ballot (the others are North Carolina, Georgia, and Oklahoma). Indiana is one of only three states in which no statewide minor party or independent petition has been successfully completed during the last eleven years. Yet in Indiana, unlike the other bad states, there have been no bills introduced to ease the requirements, and no lawsuits since 1984.

Indiana’s legislature quadrupled the petition requirement in 1980, even though under the old law, Indiana never had a crowded ballot. The hostile 1980 change was not effective until 1984. The law requires petitions of 2% of the last vote for Secretary of State, which this year is 34,195 signatures. By contrast, no member of a major party ever needs more than 4,500 signatures to obtain a place on the primary ballot. For U.S. House, no major party member ever needs any signatures at all.

The Communist Party sued Indiana in 1984 in federal court, but lost the case. Indiana permits a group that polls at least 2% of the vote for Secretary of State to be on the ballot automatically. The Libertarian Party has met the vote test in Indiana in every election starting in 1994, so never needs to petition. Thanks to Ed Feigenbaum for the link.

Briefs on Both Sides Filed in Nevada Lawsuit Over Whether None of the Above is Unconstitutional Unless it is Binding

Both sides have filed briefs in Townley v State of Nevada, in U.S. District Court, 3:12cv-310. Plaintiffs are voters, and two Republican presidential elector candidates, who argue that “None of the Above” must either be made binding, or must be removed from the ballot. Nevada prints “None of the Above” on primary and general election ballots for statewide office. But when NOTA wins, it has no effect.

The plaintiffs argue that the voters who choose NOTA are not being treated equally, because a vote for NOTA is a vote but the state isn’t giving that vote any legal effect. Here is the state’s brief, and here is the plaintiff’s brief.

Winner of Republican Legislative Primary in South Carolina Is Removed from November Ballot

Ed Harris, who won the Republican primary in South Carolina for State House, district 3, has been removed from the November ballot. The Republican Party now has no nominee for that seat. See this story. Harris is another one of the candidates who didn’t file a Statement of Economic Interests, both electronically and on paper, early this year. Almost 200 candidates for state and local partisan office were disqualified from the June 12 Republican and Democratic primaries, but Harris is apparently unique in being disqualified after he won a primary. The Republican Party says it should never have let him appear on the primary ballot.

Harris is petitioning to be an independent candidate, but the petition is due on July 16. UPDATE: see this article.

Michigan Will Hold Special U.S. House Election to Fill Vacant Seat

Michigan will hold a special election to fill the vacant U.S. House seat, the 11th district seat. The seat is vacant because Congressman Thad McCotter resigned suddenly after his petition to be on the Republican primary ballot was found insufficient. He could have run as a write-in in the August primary but he chose not to. See this story. The special election will be November 6, and the term will be for only two months.

The U.S. Constitution does not permit anyone to serve in the House unless that person is elected. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.