New Kentucky Bill to Move Primary, Including Presidential Primary, from May to August

On March 5, Kentucky State Senate President David Williams introduced SB 7. The bill moves the primary, including the presidential primary, from May to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in August. A similar bill passed the State Senate last year, but died in the House.

There is no rational reason why presidential primaries should not be in July and August. The national conventions this year for the two major parties are in late August and early September. A massive move by many states to move presidential primaries to the summer months would shorten the too-long presidential primary season, which now runs from January through late June. Thanks to Frontloading HQ for the news.

Lower House of Russian Parliament Passes Bill Easing Ballot Access for Political Parties

On March 23, the lower house of the Russian Parliament passed a bill that reduces the number of members a party must have, in order to be recognized. The bill drops the number from 40,000, to 500. See this story. Apparently the bill does not ease the requirements for presidential candidates to qualify, however. Thanks to Blair Bobier for the link.

Two Ballot Access Improvement Bills Advance

On March 22, two bills to ease ballot access for minor parties advanced. The Nebraska Government, Military & Veterans Affairs sent LB 1035 to the floor. This ominbus election law bill includes the provision that when a party meets the vote test to remain qualified, that status lasts for four years, not just two years.

Also on March 22, Missouri HB 1236, which had already passed the House, was sent to the Senate Financial & Government Organizations & Elections Committee. This is the bill to repair the typographical error that requires petitions to create a new party to contain a list of presidential elector candidates if that group intends to nominate someone for President. If the bill passes, the group will be free to circulate the petition before it has chosen presidential elector candidates.