U.S. Supreme Court Postpones Decision on Whether to Hear Montana Campaign Finance Case

The U.S. Supreme Court considered whether or not to hear American Tradition Partnership v Bullock at its June 14 conference. But, on the morning of June 18, the Court did not release any decision about whether it will hear the case. Instead, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider that case again at its June 21 conference. If it makes a decision at the June 21 conference, the public won’t hear what was decided until June 25.

The case arose in Montana. On December 30, 2011, the Montana Supreme Court had upheld that state’s ban on independent expenditures by corporations and unions, even though the Montana Supreme Court’s opinion seems to contradict the U.S. Supreme Court 2010 decision Citizens United v Federal Election Commission. The people who had sued Montana are now hoping the U.S. Supreme Court will reverse the Montana Supreme Court.

Kansas Democrat May be Kept off Primary Ballot Because Secretary of State’s Office Can’t Find his Declaration of Intent

Larry Meeker is the only Democrat who filed for the Kansas State House seat, 17th district. He says staff of the Kansas State House Democratic leader filed his declaration of candidacy in the Secretary of State’s office on the deadline, June 11. But the Secretary of State’s office says it can’t find the form and that he will not be on the ballot. See this story. Meeker is appealing the decision to an administrative body that has the power to alter the decision.

Normally the Kansas primary filing deadline would have been June 1, but it was delayed because of redistricting challenges. The primary is August 7. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for the link.

One of California’s Statewide Ballot Measures from June 5 Election is Still Too Close to Call

California only had two statewide ballot measures on the June 5, 2012 ballot. The votes won’t all be counted until the first week in July. As this story shows, the measure to impose a new tax on cigarettes was trailing on election night by 63,000 votes, but at this point, it is only behind by 17,000 votes, with many votes still uncounted.

New Hearing Date Set for Minor Party Challenge to Top-Two Open Primary

The Alameda County Superior Court will hold a hearing in Rubin v Bowen on August 28, 2012, at 9 a.m., in Oakland. The case, filed last year by the Peace & Freedom, Libertarian, and Alameda County Green Parties challenges the essence of the top-two system, on the grounds that it injures the voting rights of voters who wish to vote in November for minor party candidates.

The judge who has this case has already declined to issue injunctive relief, but he has permitted the plaintiffs to file an amended complaint, which was filed on May 10, 2012. Here is the state’s brief, trying to persuade the judge to dismiss the case.