Independent Green Party Expects to Qualify Five Candidates for U.S. House, the Most for Any Minor Party in Virginia Since 1916

The Independent Green Party expects to place five nominees on the 2012 ballot for U.S. House. If the party succeeds, it will have more 2012 nominees for that office on the ballot in Virginia than any party (other than Democrats and Republicans) since 1916. Back in 1916, the Socialist Party had nominees in nine of the ten districts.

The Independent Green Party petition drives are being helped by the fact that this is the first year that circulators need not live in the candidate’s district, since 1980. The district residency requirement for circulators was declared unconstitutional earlier this year in Lux v Judd.

Maceo Dixon Dies; Had Been One of Only Two Minor Party Candidates who Ever Submitted Enough Signatures to Theoretically Qualify for U.S. House in Georgia Since Before World War II

On May 30, Maceo D. Dixon died. He collapsed while at work, and was age 63. He had been the Socialist Workers Party nominee for U.S. House, 5th Georgia district, in 1982. He is one of only two minor party nominees who ever submitted enough signatures to, in theory, have a chance to qualify for U.S. House in Georgia, ever since the 5% petition was instituted in 1943.

Dixon did not get on the ballot, however. Even though he submitted approximately 50% more signatures than were required, election officials said not enough were valid. The only other minor party member who ever submitted enough signatures to run for U.S. House in Georgia was Libertarian Wayne Parker, who also submitted approximately 50% more signatures than were required. He ran in 2002 in the 11th district. He was also told that his petition lacked sufficient signatures. There have also been a few independent candidates in Georgia who tried very hard, but none succeeded in meeting the 5% petition requirement since 1964. Thanks to The Militant for the news about Dixon.

Georgia does not require any signatures in special congressional elections, and in a few special congressional elections, there have been minor party candidates on the ballot.

Montgomery County, Maryland Tries to Invalidate Referendum Signatures because of the Identity of the Circulators

According to this story, Montgomery County, Maryland, officials are trying to disqualify a referendum petition from the ballot because two of the circulators are ex-felons. However, any adult in Maryland is legally qualified to circulate a petition.

The story has more human interest than it would otherwise, because the sponsor of the referendum is the union that represents police officers. Also one of the two circulators is a fugitive. Thanks to Eric Garris for the link.