Another Candidate Files in Americans Elect Primary in Arizona

Arizona will hold a primary on August 28 for five political parties to nominate candidates for Congress, state office, and partisan local office. Those five parties are Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, Green, and Americans Elect.

Two candidates have filed for the Americans Elect primary, each of them running for a seat in Congress. Richard Grayson recently filed to be a declared write-in candidate in the U.S. House race, 4th district. Under Arizona law, assuming he is the only declared write-in candidate, he will win the Americans Elect nomination if he gets just a single write-in vote.

Grayson is apparently the second individual in the United States to seek an Americans Elect nomination for public office other than President. The first, who had already filed, is Stephen Dolgos, running in the 8th district for U.S. House in Arizona. Dolgos is not a write-in in the Americans Elect primary; he already qualified to have his name printed on the party’s primary ballot.

Santa Cruz Sentinel, Which Supported California’s Proposition 14 in 2010, Now says Proposition 14 Increases Stranglehold of Two Major Parties

The Santa Cruz Sentinel of June 6 has this editorial. It concludes, “Voters who approved the open primary in 2010 probably weren’t intending a message they support the ever more dysfunctional stranglehold the two major parties have on government. But that’s what happened. Third parties nationally and minor parties in California have a purpose: to bring independent ideas and candidates to public attention. Their presence has been severely diminished, and it’s a loss.”

The Santa Cruz Sentinel had endorsed Proposition 14 back in June 2010.

How California’s Top-Two Open Primary Shrinks Voter Choice in Congressional Races in November

In November 2010, under a partisan nominating system, California voters were able to choose between the following candidates for Congress: 53 Republicans, 51 Democrats, 39 minor party nominees, 3 independent candidates, and 14 declared write-in candidates, for a total of 160 candidates.

In November 2012, under Proposition 14, the top-two open primary system, California voters will be able to choose among the following candidates for Congress: 56 Democrats, 46 Republicans, 4 independents, zero minor party candidates, zero write-in candidates, for a total of 106 candidates.

This presumes that the person who places second in the U.S. House race in the 37th district in Los Angeles will be the one Republican who filed as a declared write-in candidate. It is possible the write-in candidate who places second in that race will be the lone Libertarian, or the lone Peace & Freedom Party member. No will know until the write-ins have been tallied. If the lone Republican write-in does not place second, then the statewide summary will be 56 Democrats, 45 Republicans, 4 independents, and one minor party member, again totaling 106 candidates.

If Proposition 14 had been on the ballot in June 2010 with the description, “Reduces voter choice in the general election”, it would not have passed. Instead it was on the ballot as “Increases participation in primary elections.” Ironically, the turnout in the California June 5 primary was so poor, it may have been the lowest turnout in the history of California presidential primaries, although this cannot be known for sure until all the votes are counted.

The San Francisco Chronicle’s story about the election returns is that the top-two system “shook up the system.” Actually, in every single congressional race in which one incumbent was running, that incumbent came in first. In the races with two incumbents running against each other due to redistricting, one of the incumbents always came in first and the other incumbent always came in second. As has been shown in Louisiana and Washington, top-two systems make it far easier for incumbents to be re-elected than normal systems do.

Rocky Anderson Wins Peace & Freedom Party Presidential Primary

On June 5, the Peace & Freedom Party held a presidential primary. The results: Rocky Anderson 42.8%; Stewart Alexander 29.2%; Stephen Durham 28.0%. The Peace & Freedom Party presidential primary is not binding. The party will choose its presidential nominee in an August convention.

Anderson is also the Justice Party presidential nominee. Alexander is also the Socialist Party presidential nominee. Durham is also the Freedom Socialist Party presidential nominee.

Jill Stein Defeats Roseanne Barr in California Green Party Presidential Primary

The California Green Party presidential primary is the nation’s only Green Party presidential primary this year in which Roseanne Barr appeared on the ballot. She might have qualified for the Green Party primary ballot in other states, except that she entered the race too late to qualify in the states with earlier Green Party presidential primaries.

Dr. Jill Stein defeated Barr in the California contest. Stein received 48.6%; Barr received 40.0%; Kent Mesplay received 11.4%. These percentages will probably change slightly once all the votes have been counted. These percentages are as of noon, June 6, Pacific time.