California Republican Party Submits Referendum Petition on State Senate Redistricting

Between November 10 and November 13, California Republicans submitted 710,924 signatures on a referendum petition concerning the new State Senate districts. California law requires 504,760 valid signatures on such a referendum petition. California Republicans oppose the new State Senate districts drawn up by the new redistricting commission.

If the petition has enough valid signatures, the new State Senate districts will be put to a vote of the people. It is not clear what State Senate districts the state will use, if the referendum petition does have enough valid signatures. In a normal referendum, the challenged statute can’t be implemented until the popular vote affirms the law. But California needs to have valid districts in place in time for the June 2012 primary. For more information about the referendum’s backers, see their web page,

Federal Election Commission Publishes 2010 Election Returns for Both Houses of Congress

The Federal Election Commission has published Federal Elections 2010, a 150-page paperback book that contains election returns for both Houses of Congress, from the November 2010 election. The book includes primary election returns as well as general election returns, and is available free to anyone who requests it. The FEC’s phone number is 800-424-9530.

The book generally lists write-in votes, but lists no such votes for Pennsylvania. Although Pennsylvania election officials did tally the number of write-ins cast, it did so months after the official tally for the candidates listed on the ballot. Furthermore, Pennsylvania election officials didn’t post the write-in totals on the state election office’s web page, so virtually no one knows about the tally.

California Secretary of State Web Page Shows Progress of Validating Americans Elect Petition

The California Secretary of State’s web page has this chart, which is updated daily, showing validation from each county for the petition to qualify Americans Elect as a party in California. The work must be completed by December 19, 2011.

The petition needs validity of 63.53% in order to succeed. So far, every county that has finished checking is reporting a higher percentage valid, except for two small counties, Imperial and Del Norte.

Massachusetts Legislature Might Combine Presidential and Non-Presidential Primaries

Massachusetts law says a presidential primary will be held March 6, 2012, and a primary for other office will be held in September 2012. It is possible a bill to combine both primaries and hold them in June will pass this year. The bill, HB 1972, was introduced on January 21, 2011, and the legislature has not done anything with it except to hold a hearing in May. But the bill is gaining support. See this story, which says that 50 town governments have passed resolutions, asking the legislature to pass the bill.

South Carolina Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Whether Republican Party Must Pay for 2012 Presidential Primary

On November 16, the South Carolina Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Beaufort County v South Carolina Election Commission, 2011-200906. The issue is whether the Republican Party must pay all the administrative costs of its presidential primary, or whether counties must pay for part of the costs. See this story. According to the story, the Court is expected to issue a decision no later than November 22.