North Carolina Ballot Access Bill Hearing Postponed Until June 3

North Carolina’s ballot access improvement bill, HB 32, had been scheduled for a committee hearing in the house on June 1, but that hearing has been postponed until June 3 at 10 a.m. The bill reduces the number of signatures for minor party and independent candidates. Thanks to Jordon Greene for this news.

Blogging at this site has been restricted due to a vacation and limited access to e-mail, but check back on the evening of June 2 for more posts.

Nevada Supreme Court Suggests Special Congressional Election Ought to be Delayed

On May 31, the Nevada Supreme Court asked for supplemental briefing on whether the special U.S. House election set for September 2011 ought to be delayed. The Court must decide whether the lower state court was correct, when it interpreted the election law in special congressional elections to mean that parties have nominees. The Supreme Court of Nevada seems to feel this is too complicated to be decided quickly. Thanks to Rick Hasen for this news.