Ruth Ellen Brosseau Becomes One of Canadian Parliament's Best-Known New Members

Ruth Ellen Brosseau is a newly elected member of the Canadian parliament. Here is just one of many articles about her. She was a New Democratic Party nominee from a Quebec district, and she won, even though she never believed that she would win. She is 27 years old and has apparently never visited the district that elected her. However, she seems a capable and dedicated individual, and most of the comments attached to this particular article are supportive. Canadian voters tend to be much more likely to vote on the basis of party than U.S. voters. The New Democratic Party also elected enough members of the Ontario Parliament in 1990 to take control of the Ontario government. That 1990 election also featured many New Democratic Party members of the provincial parliament who had not expected to win.

Canada requires 100 signatures plus a filing fee for a candidate any candidate to get on the ballot for the federal parliament. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.

New Jersey Supreme Court Won't Hear Carl Lewis Appeal on Residency

On May 6, the New Jersey Supreme Court refused to hear Layton v Lewis, the case involving whether former Olympic track star Carl Lewis really was a resident of New Jersey during the preceding four years. Lewis is trying to run for the Democratic nomination for State Senate in the June 7, 2011 primary. See this story.

Now, Lewis’ only hope is that the U.S. District Court rules that the New Jersey Constitution violates the U.S. Constitution. The New Jersey Constitution does not let people run for State Senate unless they have lived in New Jersey for the preceding four years. The U.S. District Court already turned Lewis down, but then the 3rd circuit had ordered the U.S. District Court to reconsider the case. The 3rd circuit order told election officials not to print any ballots that omit Lewis, so the next precedings in the U.S. District Court will be quick.

Lawsuit Filed to Block Arizona 2012 Vote on Shutting off Funding for Public Funding

On May 6, some potential future candidates filed a lawsuit in Arizona state court, seeking to block a scheduled 2012 vote of the people on whether to shut off financing for public funding of candidates. See this story. The lawsuit includes some plaintiffs who want to seek public funding in Tucson city elections in the future. Apparently the proposed constitutional amendment that will be before the voters not only affects the state program for public funding for candidates for state office, but does the same to Tucson’s program for candidates in city elections.

The case is Arizona Advocacy Network Foundation v Bennett, Maricopa County Superior Court, cv2011-009646.

Republican Party National Leaders Express Unhappiness with First Republican Presidential Debate

On the evening of May 5, the Republican Party of South Carolina and Fox News hosted the first presidential debate of the 2012 season, for candidates seeking the Republican nomination. Participating were Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, Tim Pawlenty, Rick Santorum, and Herman Cain. According to this New York Times story, the chair of the Republican National Committee, Reince Priebus, said, “There are numerous other candidates that are looking at it – and thank God.” Also, John Boehner, speaker of the U.S. House, pointedly did not even watch the debate, at least while it was occurring.

Someone ought to ask Reince Priebus why Republican legislators this year in Oklahoma and Florida are making ballot access for non-major party candidates for President considerably more difficult, and why no Republican Party presidential nominee since 1992 has been willing to let any non-major party presidential candidate into the general election debates. If the orthodox Republican leadership supports policies that it make overwhelmingly difficult for people to run for president outside the major parties, they should not be surprised when candidates seek the Republican nomination even though those candidates espouse political ideas that do not conform to the Republican Party platform or the ideas of the party’s congressional leadership. Thanks to Political Wire for the link.

British Voters Reject Instant Runoff Voting, 32% to 68%

British voters rejected the ballot question to use Instant Runoff Voting, 32% to 68%. Turnout was approximately 44%. This was the first British ballot question, covering the entire nation, since 1975. See this story. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link. The measure initially was leading in the polls, but then the Conservative Party launched an all-out campaign against it.