Alaska Court Lets Lisa Murkowski Intervene in Joe Miller's Lawsuit Over Vote Count

On December 2, a state court in Juneau, Alaska ruled that U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski is permitted to intervene in the lawsuit Miller v Lieutenant Governor, over the vote count for the U.S. Senate race.  She will argue that write-ins should count even when the voter forgets, or doesn’t know, to fill in the oval next to the name just written in.  She almost certainly doesn’t need such votes, but she will be the only one taking that stance.  Miller and the state agree that those kind of write-ins shouldn’t count.

Alaska Court Lets Lisa Murkowski Intervene in Joe Miller’s Lawsuit Over Vote Count

On December 2, a state court in Juneau, Alaska ruled that U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski is permitted to intervene in the lawsuit Miller v Lieutenant Governor, over the vote count for the U.S. Senate race.  She will argue that write-ins should count even when the voter forgets, or doesn’t know, to fill in the oval next to the name just written in.  She almost certainly doesn’t need such votes, but she will be the only one taking that stance.  Miller and the state agree that those kind of write-ins shouldn’t count.

Vladimir Putin Criticizes U.S. for Presidential Elections in Which 2nd Place Finisher in Popular Vote Took the Office

Vladimir Putin has recently criticized the United States for its electoral college system, and specifically around the way it worked in 2000, when Al Gore received 560,000 more popular votes than George W. Bush, and yet Bush became President.  See this story.  Thanks to Jeff Patch for the link.

New York City Final Official Vote Count is 17% Higher than Election Night Tally

New York state is still tallying the official results for the November 2, 2010.  However, the New York city Board of Elections has just finished its tally.  According to this story, its final official count of the number of votes cast is 17% higher than the total reported a few days after the election.

This news is good news for the Libertarian Party.  The odds that the party polled at least 50,000 votes for Governor are now considerably better.  Thanks to Rick Hasen’s ElectionLawBlog for this news.