Republican Legislative Nominee in Florida Disqualified by Court

Late in the afternoon on October 15, a Circuit Court Judge in Tallahassee, Florida, disqualified the Republican nominee for State Senate in the 12th district, Jim Norman.  The lawsuit is Ambler v Election Canvassing Board, 2010-ca-3014, Leon County.  See this story.  Here is the 21-page decision.  Attached to the decision are 24 pages of exhibits.

The lawsuit had been filed by Kevin Ambler, who had lost the Republican primary to Norman.  There is no one on the ballot except for the Republican nominee, although there is write-in space on the ballot.  However, Florida has the nation’s earliest deadline to file as a declared write-in candidate of any state.  Two write-in candidates did file by the July 2010 deadline but they do not have active campaigns.

The decision says on page 21 that ballots will not be reprinted, and Norman’s name will remain as the only name on the ballot.  But a vote for Norman will be treated as a vote for whomever the Republican Party chooses to replace him.  The order says each polling place will have a “factual notice informing voters who would be actually receiving their vote when they cast their ballots.”

Kansas Holds 3-Party Gubernatorial Debate

On October 13, three of the four candidates for Governor of Kansas debated each other.  See this story.  Debating were Republican Sam Brownback, Libertarian Andrew P. Gray, and Reform Party nominee Ken Cannon.  The Democratic nominee, Tom Holland, refused to participate.

However, all four candidates had debated each other in a televised debate on October 7 in Wichita.

Alaska Holds 3-Candidate U.S. Senate Debate

On October 12, three candidates for U.S. Senate in Alaska debated each other.  See this story.  The three candidates were Republican nominee Joe Miller, Democratic nominee Scott McAdams, and write-in candidate, incumbent U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski.  This is almost certainly the first time any write-in candidate for U.S. Senate or any other statewide office has ever been invited to debate the major party nominees, in any state.

Tancredo Support Rises to 38% in Rasmussen Poll

A Rasmussen Reports poll of the Colorado gubernatorial race finds that Democratic nominee John Hickenlooper is only four percentage points ahead of Tom Tancredo, the Constitution Party nominee.  See here.  The Republican nominee, Dan Maes, is at 12%; Hickenlooper is at 42%; Tancredo is at 38%; other candidates are polling 2%; and 6% of the voters are undecided.