Anti-Prohibition Party Files 22,000 Signatures for New York Statewide Slate

On August 17, the Anti-Prohibition Party filed 22,000 for its statewide slate of candidates.  That state includes Kristin Davis for Governor, and Vivia Morgan for U.S. Senate, short term.  Morgan hosts “The Viva Morgan Show” on the Brooklyn Community Media Network.  She believes she is the first Jamaican-American to run for the U.S. Senate in any state.

Lawsuit Filed Against Indiana Law that Cancels Voter Registration for Anyone Sent to Jail for a Misdemeanor

Indiana is the only state in the nation that cancels someone’s voter registration if that person is sentenced to jail for a misdemeanor.   On August 16, a lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court to overturn the law.  The case is Snyder v King, 1:10cv-1019.  Here is the 10-age complaint.  Thanks to ElectionLawBlog for the link to the Indiana Law Blog.

Two Pennsylvania Statewide Minor Party Candidates Withdraw Rather than Face Challenge Fee Threat

According to this article, the only Pennsylvania statewide candidates on the Tea Party petition, and on the Green Party petition, have withdrawn rather than face the challenge process.  As readers well know, candidates who are challenged, and who do not withdraw, and are found not to have valid signatures, are then liable for court costs of tens of thousands of dollars.

The three statewide nominees on the Libertarian Party petition are not withdrawing.  There are two federal lawsuits pending that challenge the Pennsylvania practice of charging candidates for court costs when their petitions are checked.