Las Vegas Sun Article on Sharron Angle Also Discusses Constitution Party’s Attitude Toward Religion

This Las Vegas Sun article, published July 18, is about Sharron Angle, the Republican Party nominee for U.S. Senate who was once active in the Independent American Party of Nevada, that state’s affiliate of the Constitution Party.  The second half of that article also reports on the Constitution Party’s views about religion.  It quotes people on both sides as to whether the Constitution Party supports the ideas of R. J. Rushdoony, who advocated that Old Testament Law be enacted as U.S. civil law.

Public Funding Bill in Congress Appears to be Losing Momentum

On March 31, 2009, HR 1826 was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, to provide for public funding for candidates for Congress.  The companion bill in the U.S. Senate is S752.

It is looking as though HR 1826 will not have gained any new co-sponsors during July 2010.  This will be the first month since the bill was introduced, and in which Congress was in session, that the bill won’t have gained any new co-sponsors.

The bill has 156 co-sponsors.  It gained 12 in March 2009, 10 in April 2009, 13 in May 2009, 21 in June 2009, 21 in July 2009, 13 in September 2009, 19 in October 2009, 8 in November 2009, 7 in December 2009, 4 in January 2010, 10 in February 2010, 3 in March 2010, 8 in April 2010, 4 in May 2010, and 3 in June 2010.

Arizona Voters Will Vote in November on Having a Lieutenant Governor

This newspaper story explains that on November 2, 2010, Arizona voters will vote on a ballot question to create a Lieutenant Governor in that state.  Currently, there is no Lieutenant Governor, and if the Governor dies or resigns, the Secretary of State becomes Governor.  If the measure passes, the candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor would run as a team in the general election, though not in the primary.

The article mentions a flaw in the ballot question.  It makes no provision for independent teams of Governor and Lieutenant Governor.  Here is the text of the measure, which was SJR 1013 while it was a bill in the legislature.

The last state to add the post of Lieutenant Governor was New Jersey, which elected one for the first time in 2009.

West Virginia Legislature Will Meet on Sunday Afternoon, July 18, to Finish Bill on Special Election for U.S. Senate

The West Virginia legislature will meet on Sunday, July 18, to finish working out details for the bills to set rules for the special U.S. Senate election this year.  See this story.

The House convenes at 4 p.m. and the Senate at 6 p.m.  This story explains why the legislature is having a problem passing the bill.  The bill must pass by a two-thirds vote in each house, or it can’t take effect for 90 days, which would defeat the purpose of passing the bill.