Connecticut Legislature is No Longer Trying to Ban “Independent” as Part of a Party’s Name

As originally introduced, Connecticut HB 5498 made it illegal for any party to have “Independent” as part of its name. However, the Independent Party has successfully managed to get that part of the bill deleted. The bill has many other election law provisions relating to ballot-counting and it will probably pass, but without the section on party names.

U.S. District Court Won’t Grant Injunctive Relief to Catoosa County Republican Party, in Candidate Exclusion Case

On April 23, U.S. District Court Judge William Ray, a Trump appointee, refused injunctive relief to the Catoosa County Republican Party. The party wanted some candidates for County Commission excluded from the Republican primary ballot of May 21. The party claims the candidates are not bona fide Republicans. Catoosa County Republican Party v Catoosa County Board of Elections, 4:24cv-95.

The judge said the party filed its federal lawsuit too late, and also doubted that the party’s freedom of association would be injured if the candidates remained on the ballot. He also noted that the party has a similar case pending in the Georgia Supreme Court, although that court won’t hear the case until after the primary.

The ruling also rejected the party’s attempt to place some ballot measures on the primary ballot, partly because of time constraints, and also because the ballot measures implied that the challenged candidates are really “anti-Trump Democrats”. Although parties have a right to place advisory questions on their own primary ballots, the questions aren’t permitted if they relate to candidates whose names are appearing on the same primary ballot.

Georgia does not have registration by party.

Constitution Party Chooses a Presidential Nominee in Two Days, Yet National News Media Seem Unaware

The Constitution Party national convention will choose a presidential nominee on Saturday, April 27, in Salt Lake City. There is a somewhat surprising lack of news in mainstream media about the upcoming convention. The party’s presidential nominee will probably be on the ballot in more states than Cornel West, and yet national polls often include West and never include any Constitution Party potential nominee. The two leading candidates for the party’s nomination appear to be Randall Terry (long-time activist against legal abortion) and Joel Skousen, part of a famous family.