Both Sides Are Unhappy with Wording Changes to California's Proposition 14

This Sacramento Bee story shows that both sides are unhappy with Judge Allen Sumner’s rewrite of the Ballot Title and Description of California’s Proposition 14. It is believed that both sides have lodged an appeal. The Pro-14 side is appealing the language on whether Proposition 14 could increase the cost of election administration. Any appeals are to the State Court of Appeals, and must be settled by the end of the day, Monday, March 15.

Cook County Commissioner May Run for County Assessor as an Independent Candidate

Columnist Michael Sneed of the Chicago Sun-Times reports here that Forrest Claypool, a Cook County Commissioner, may run for Cook County Assessor this year as an independent. Scroll down to “Scoopsville.” Claypool would need 25,000 signatures by June 21.

Claypool is a former Deputy State Treasurer of Illinois, and a former head of the Chicago Park District. Here is his web page.