Cal Watchdog Story on "Top-Two Open Primary"

Cal Watchdog is sponsored by the Journalism Center of the Pacific Research Institute, to inform readers about California state government. The February 22 issue has this story about California’s Proposition 14, the top-two election law measure.

This is the first news story (as opposed to an op-ed) that mentions that Proposition 14 makes it more difficult for ballot-qualified parties to remain on the ballot. It does that by, in practical terms, eliminating the 2% vote test by which minor parties now remain ballot-qualified. The measure does not actually repeal the 2% vote test, but the 2% vote test is rendered meaningless by Proposition 14, because parties would no longer have nominees in mid-term years. The last California ballot measure to impose a top-two system, Proposition 62 in 2004, did not have that flaw. Proposition 62 lowered the registration test to one-third of 1% of the last gubernatorial vote, to avoid eliminating any ballot-qualified parties. The people who wrote Proposition 14 were free to repeat that language from Proposition 62, but they chose not to do it, for reasons they have never explained.

“Electionline” Picks Up Christina Tobin Press Release, Announcing Candidacy

“Electionline” is a daily news collector, run by the prestigious Pew Center on the States. The purpose of “Electionline” is to gather significant daily news about election administration.

Electionline for February 22 includes the story from Independent Political Report about Christina Tobin’s announcing her candidacy for California Secretary of State. Congratulations both to Independent Political Report and to the Tobin campaign. I have been reading “Electionline” for years, ever since it started, and I do not believe that Electionline has ever before included news about a minor party or independent candidacy announcement. Electionline is not a politics site; it is an election administration site. Here is the Independent Political Report story, which is the same story that Electionline linked to. And, here is the “table of contents” for Electionline for February 22.

"Electionline" Picks Up Christina Tobin Press Release, Announcing Candidacy

“Electionline” is a daily news collector, run by the prestigious Pew Center on the States. The purpose of “Electionline” is to gather significant daily news about election administration.

Electionline for February 22 includes the story from Independent Political Report about Christina Tobin’s announcing her candidacy for California Secretary of State. Congratulations both to Independent Political Report and to the Tobin campaign. I have been reading “Electionline” for years, ever since it started, and I do not believe that Electionline has ever before included news about a minor party or independent candidacy announcement. Electionline is not a politics site; it is an election administration site. Here is the Independent Political Report story, which is the same story that Electionline linked to. And, here is the “table of contents” for Electionline for February 22.

Oklahoma Legislature Appoints Conference Committee for Ballot Access Bill

Last year, both houses of the Oklahoma legislature passed HB 1072, the bill to reduce the number of signatures for a minor party to get on the ballot. But because both houses passed different versions, the bill was sent to Conference Committee. Oklahoma has two-year legislative sessions. The conference committee for the bill has just been appointed. It includes 21 House members and 22 Senate members. OBAR (Oklahoma Ballot Access Reform) will be mobilizing all its forces to persuade the members of the conference committee to approve a good version of the bill. The existing requirement is 5% of the last vote cast. For 2010, that is 73,134 signatures.