James Hedges Seeks Prohibition Party Presidential Nomination in 2012

On February 18, James Hedges, a long-time activist in the Prohibition Party, declared his candidacy for the party’s presidential nomination in 2012. He is the only person who has won a partisan election as a Prohibition Party nominee in the last 50 years. He was elected Assessor of Thompson Township, Fulton County, Pennsylvania, in 2001, and re-elected in 2005.

The Prohibition Party is ballot-qualified in one state, Florida. Hedges is 71 and lives in Big Cove Tannery, Pennsylvania, in Fulton County. He has been active in local government and in civic groups, and was once a member of the United States Marine Band in Washington, D.C.

Hearings Set for Maryland Ballot Access Bills

On February 25, the Maryland Senate will hear SB 240, in the Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee. This bill amends the law on petition validity, repealing the requirement that signatures on petitions must be an exact match of how that signer is registered. The bill has 19 sponsors. If it is signed into law, it will end lawsuits that are now pending in both federal court and state court.

On March 11, the same committee will hear SB 710, by Senators Andrew Harris (R-Cockeysville) and Jamie Raskin (D-Takoma Park), lowering the party petition from 10,000 signatures to 5,000 signatures.

Columbus Dispatch Story on Libertarian Party in Ohio This Year

The February 20 issue of the Columbus Dispatch has this story about the Libertarian Party’s 2010 campaign in Ohio. This is the first year that the Libertarian Party has been on the ballot in a mid-term year in Ohio, as a party, since 1982.

The story does not mention the other ballot-qualified minor parties in Ohio this year, which are Constitution, Green, and Socialist. Ohio has never before had six ballot-qualified parties with their own primary. The highest number of parties with their own primary in the past has been four.

Wealthy Campaign Donors Ask Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Support Public Funding Bill in Congress

The February 19 issue of California Watch has this article about a letter sent recently by wealthy campaign donors to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, asking her to support HR 1826, the Public Funding bill in the U.S. House. That bill has been stuck at 133 co-sponsors all month. The article has a link to the letter itself, which is dated February 17. It has 57 signers. Thanks to Calitics for the link.

Rhode Island Bill to Require Parties to Let Independents Vote in Primaries

Three Rhode Island Democratic Senators have introduced SB 2150. It requires political parties to let independent voters vote in their primaries. The authors are Leonidas Raptakis, Marc Cote, and Michael Pinga. Some leaders of the Republican Party have been thinking about excluding independents from the Republican primary. The existing law is vague about whether parties can exclude independents.