Florida Bill on Minor Party Presidential Procedures

On March 9, HB 1567 was introduced in Florida. It makes the procedures for minor party presidential candidates more specific than they were in 2004, but doesn’t make them any more difficult. Old law, which is very lenient, says any qualified party can put a presidential nominee on the November ballot if it submits a list of presidential elector candidates (all of whom must be registered voters in the party), and if it holds a national convention, and if it is a “national political party.”

The only changes made by HB 1567, relating to presidential elections, are to define two terms, “national political party” and “national convention.” “National political party” is a party that is on the ballot in at least one state other than Florida. “National convention” is “any caucus, convention, meeting or any other assembly of a political party gathered, whether or not such meeting is held in person or by telephonic or electronic means, with the intent of nominating candidates for President and Vice President of the U.S.”

Hopes for Oklahoma Bill Dim, but Oklahoma Lawsuit Moves Ahead

HB 1429, the Oklahoma ballot access reform bill, seems dead for this year. The House Rules Committee on March 8 again refused to hear the bill, so it cannot pass this year, although it is technically still alive and could theoreticallly pass next year. It is also possible that the contents of the bill could be amended into another election law bill.

In the meantime, the Oklahoma Libertarian Party lawsuit against the ballot access laws for parties is moving ahead. A status conference was held last week, and deadlines have been set for the introduction of evidence. A trial will be held late this year.

Arizona Bill Passes Senate

On March 8, Arizona SB 1205 passed the State Senate unanimously. Among other things, it lowers the number of signatures needed for a new party to get on the ballot in gubernatorial years, from about 26,000 signatures, to about 16,000. However, it does not make access any easier in presidential election years. The bill’s progress so far is due to good lobbying by the Constitution Party.