High Court Refuses to Hear Nader’s Pennsylvania Appeal

Today, the US Supreme Court refused to hear Nader v Serody, no. 04-550. This was Nader’s appeal of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision that kept him off the ballot last year.

The issue in the Pennsylvania case was somewhat inappropriate for the US Supreme Court. It was strictly a matter of proper interpretation of Pennsylvania state law, not a constitutional case. It is unclear whether Pennsylvania actually requires petition signers to be registered voters, or just eligible to register to vote. Nader’s US Supreme Court appeals from Texas and Oregon are still pending.

High Court Refuses to Hear Nader's Pennsylvania Appeal

Today, the US Supreme Court refused to hear Nader v Serody, no. 04-550. This was Nader’s appeal of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision that kept him off the ballot last year.

The issue in the Pennsylvania case was somewhat inappropriate for the US Supreme Court. It was strictly a matter of proper interpretation of Pennsylvania state law, not a constitutional case. It is unclear whether Pennsylvania actually requires petition signers to be registered voters, or just eligible to register to vote. Nader’s US Supreme Court appeals from Texas and Oregon are still pending.

New Mexico Greens Are Still a Qualified Party

On January 6, 2005, the New Mexico Secretary of State confirmed in writing that the New Mexico Green Party is still a qualified party. However, it is now a qualified minor party, not a qualified major party. This means it nominates by convention, not primary. It is still a qualified party because it polled over one-half of 1% for Governor in 2002.

San Diego Write-in Lawsuit Filed

On January 6, 2005, supporters of Donna Frye filed a new lawsuit, to validate write-in votes for Frye that have been considered invalid votes. If the lawsuit succeeds, Frye will become Mayor, since she received more votes than any other candidate, but not all of them are considered valid. Lawrence v Murphy, GIC 840839. The lawsuit was filed by Fred Woocher, one of the leading election law attorneys in California.

Rick Jore’s Website Now Illustrates Disputed Ballots (revised post)

Rick Jore’s website has 7 votes that were not marked strictly according to instructions, but which seem to show intent to vote for Jore. Nevertheless, the Montana Supreme Court invalidated all of these 7 votes.

Jore’s webpage also shows 2 votes that were not marked strictly according to instructions either, but which seem to show intent to vote for the Democratic candidate. These two ballots were, indeed, counted for the Democratic nominee.