Both Washington and California voters will be voting on whether to restrict the general election ballot (for office other than president) to only two candidates. Ralph Nader, campaigning in Washington state, again reiterated his opposition to the “top two” initiative in Washington state.
Both Washington and California voters will be voting on whether to restrict the general election ballot (for office other than president) to only two candidates. Ralph Nader, campaigning in Washington state, again reiterated his opposition to the “top two” initiative in Washington state.
Former congressman and former independent presidential candidate John B. Anderson, who got 7% for president as an independent candidate in 1980, has asked California voters to reject Prop. 62. In a letter released on Oct. 19, Anderson said:
“I urge the voters of California to vote No on Prop. 62. It would clearly result in a general election ballot where the only names would be of the two major parties, the Democrats and the Republicans.
“California voters would never have the option of voting for an independent or minor party candidate, no matter how attractive they might be as an alternative. Such a lock-up of the political process would be harmful to democracy, and it must be defeated.”
The one-page order, released Tuesday, did not include any explanation.
The Nader campaign plans to seek injunctive relief from the US Supreme Court.
Former Governor Jesse Ventura (who was elected in 1998 in Minnesota on the Reform Party ticket) has just issued this statement:
“Dear California Voters, I hope California voters defeat Prop. 62 on November 2. This proposition would mandate that all candidates including independents and third party candidates run on the same primary ballot in June with Republicans and Democrats and then only the top two vote-getters would appear on the November ballot.
“In Minnesota, September 1998, I only received 3% of the open primary vote in the race for Governor. Despite these numbers I went on to win the general election in November. Under Prop. 62…I would have been excluded from the general election in November and never would have been able to serve as Governor of Minnesota.
“It is no surprise to me that big money is behind Prop. 62, and its efforts eliminate real choice for the voters in upcoming California elections. I strongly urge California voters to defeat Prop. 62.”