Cenk Uygur Drops His South Carolina Ballot Access Case

On February 27, Democratic presidential candidate Cenk Uygur dropped his appeal of his South Carolina ballot access case. It had been pending in the Fourth Circuit. Uygur v South Carolina and McMaster, 24-1052.

Uygur was born in Turkey. He was kept off the South Carolina Democratic presidential primary because he is not a natural born citizen. He had argued that the portion of Article II, setting out the national-born qualification, was no longer in force because the Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause had superceded it.

Steve Garvey, Leading Republican in California U.S. Senate Race, Has the Most Votes for the Short Term but not the Regular Term

California has two U.S. Senate races on the ballot this year. They are both for the same seat. One race is for the two-and-one-half momth term from election day to January 2025. The other is the full, normal six-year term.

For some reason, the leading Republican in both races has more votes than anyone else for the short term, but not the regular term. In the short term race, Garvey has 1,317,911 votes, whereas Adam B. Schiff, the leading Democrat, has 1,173,917. Of course there are millions of votes left to count, so this may change.