Georgia Libertarian Ballot Access Case Concerning U.S. House Elections is Still Alive

The Georgia Libertarian Party lawsuit Cowen v Raffensperger, n.d., 1:17cv-4660, is still alive. It challenges the Georgia requirements for a candidate for U.S. House to get on the ballot. Except for the nominees of parties that polled 20% for president, the procedures are so severe, they have not been ever used by a minor party, and were last used by an independent in 1964. Although the Eleventh Circuit upheld the law last year on First Amendment grounds, the part of the case concerning Equal Protection is still pending. That part of the case case had lost in U.S. District Court, but three months ago but the party asked for reconsideration, citing a factual error in the judge’s last decision. The request for rehearing was filed December 4, so it has been pending for three months.

Rick Hasen Podcast on His New Book “A Real Right to Vote”

In an upcoming edition of Ballot Access News, I will be reviewing Rick Hasen’s new book “A Real Right to Vote: How a Constitutional Amendment Can Safeguard American Democracy.”

I recently discovered New Books Network, which has many podcasts involving book authors. Here is New Books Network’s podcast with Professor Hasen from February 15, 2024.