Only Three States Have Never Had a Party on the Ballot Without “Independent” or “Independence” in Party Name

The California legislature seems likely to pass SB 696, which makes it illegal for party to have “Independent” or “Independence” in its name. In the history of government-printed ballots, 47 states have at one time had a party on the ballot that used one of those words.

In 1908, William Randolph Hearst supported a party called the Independence Party, which ran Congressman Thomas Hisgen for president. It was on the ballot in almost all states.

In 1967-68, George Wallace formed a new party in most states, and in many states it was called the American Independent Party.

There have been ballot-qualified parties named Independence Party, or Independent Party, in recent decades in Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah, and Vermont.

Parties in which the word “Independent” or “Independence” is, or was, part of a two-word party name have been: Alabama Independent Democratic Party (which placed Hubert Humphrey on the 1968 ballot); the Alaskan Independence Party; the Independent American Party in Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah; the Independent Democratic Party of Georgia; the Independent Republican Party of Illinois; the Green Independent Party of Maine; the Independent Voters Party of Massachusetts; the People’s Independent Party of Nebraska; and the Virginia Independent Party.


Only Three States Have Never Had a Party on the Ballot Without “Independent” or “Independence” in Party Name — 16 Comments

  1. OK, and what are the three states which have never had either an Independent or Independence party on their ballot?

  2. NOOOO *independent* thinking allowed in the CA RED DONKEY COMMUNIST REGIME

    — OBEY THE 666 RED PARTY LINE OR GET PURGED – starting with other party names.

    Next on the list – death [aka re-education] camps ??? or merely be driven out of the RED State naked into the NV/AZ deserts ???

  3. According to the OC weekly article posted on this site the AIP chair predicted their registration “would double” if the bill became law.

  4. “Next on the list – death [aka re-education] camps ??? or merely be driven out of the RED State naked into the NV/AZ deserts ??” – Demo Rep


  5. CL –

    See the purges in —
    Hitler regime 1934
    Stalin regime 1936-1939
    Mao regime 1959-1969
    Saddam regime 1979
    etc etc etc

    NOOOOO *independents* in tyrant regimes.

    CA RED regime – also forced out into Pacific Ocean and into Mexico desert ???

    MORON courts are too evil corrupt stupid to detect that USA 2 Amdt is due to Day ONE of USA Am Rev War —

    Battles of Lexington and Concord, Mass 19 Apr 1775.

    Various later battles in which armed private troopers showed up to fight/beat Brits-
    esp 1777 Saratoga, NY >>> 1778 USA-FRANCE MILITARY TREATY – barely in time]

    Southern militia forces fought on in 1780-1781 [King’s Mountain, Cowpens] after severe beatings of regular USA Army forces.
    Main Brit Army forced out to VA – to be defeated by USA-France Force — Yorktown 19 Oct 1781 >>> 1783 USA – Brit Peace Treaty — 1776 DOI enforced – 13 *INDEPENDENT* States


    IE for total dummies– Reptile brain TYRANTS somewhat understand FORCE against their tyrant forces and them directly

    At least NOW the top killers are no longer immune [as in very baaade olde days – esp Germany Kaiser Bill WW I major killer – died of old age] –

    Post WW II — War Crimes Trials – various HUNG
    Capture of Ceaușescu – tried – SHOT
    Capture of Saddam – tried – HUNG
    Capture of Khadafi – summary – BEAT to Death – Shot

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP – NOW Life or Death

  6. Any association has a First Amendment right to choose a name so long as the use of that name is not to impersonate another organization. How many people in the world have exactly the same name? Which of them should be compelled to choose another name? Name censorship!
    It may not be possible to appeal the California bill if it becomes law to the U S Supreme Court because the Court is running scared in confusion from election issues.
    Taxation is theft and ballot access laws are censorship.

  7. Who were the two additional delegates to the two day convention that included Thomas “Tom” Turnipseed, from
    South Carolina at Louisville, Ky in the Seelbach Hotel including February 22, 1969. William K. Shearer, Chairman of the American Independent Party of California was elected chairman of this National Convention.

    Turnipseed was the National Campaign Chairman of
    the Wallace/LeMay ticket in 1968.

    The American Party of KY organized on February 1, 1969 and became host to the Louisville Convention which delegates from 37 states attended and included
    The American Independent Party of California.

    Mark Seidenberg
    Vice Chairman,
    American Independent Party of California [formed at Convention in Bakersfield, CA on July 8, 1967.]

  8. It should be noted in the 3rd Alpine County Supervisory District that includes the Indian Reservation of Woodfords of the Washoe Tribe, that in 2007 and 2008 more electors were members of the American Independent Party than the Republican Party. Therefore registration with the AIP was very popular with the Washoe Tribe about a decade ago.

  9. See the recent SCOTUS FUCT case —

    about names and the 1 Amdt.

    MUST also sue for $$$ damages to at least bankrupt the morons.

  10. Follow Mario Procaccino’s example. When he ran for Mayor of New York, he created a second line for himself called the Non-Partisan Party.

  11. Richard:
    Am I mistaken but wasn’t there a party in Virginia back in the 2000’s called the Independent Green Party?

  12. For a number of years, New York has a law barring the use of “American” in a party name. The Wallace-KeMah ticket ran on the “Courage Party.”. I think that law was a reaction to the American Labor Party, which was heavily Communist influenced. The SO was lied by the Liberal Party.

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