Libertarian Party Has 1,046 Delegates for its Virtual Presidential Convention

The Libertarian Party holds a virtual presidential convention on May 22. There are 1,046 delegates. This appears to be the largest number of delegates at the presidential convention of any party, other than the Democratic and Republican Parties, since 1948. In 1948 the Progressive Party national convention in Philadelphia had approximately 3,200 delegates.

In 1968, George Wallace’s party did not hold a presidential convention.

In 2000, the Reform Party national convention had 683 delegates. In 1996, the Reform Party held a national convention in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, but the presidential nominee was chosen by postal ballot, not by that convention.

The Libertarian Party’s 2016 convention had 922 delegates, as determined by the largest vote cast for president at that convention, the second round.

The Green Party’s 2000 national convention had 317 delegates.


Libertarian Party Has 1,046 Delegates for its Virtual Presidential Convention — 15 Comments

  1. Abolish ALL nominating caucuses, primaries and conventions.

    ONE person nom pet forms.

    ALL mail election ballots.

    PR and AppV – pending Condorcet.


  2. The problem is comparing number theoretically allowed with actual participation in a single vote. It’s apples to oranges. Theoretical number was the same but some people never made it or skipped some votes, even the largest one. Chances are same will happen online but we shall see.

  3. @Woody, exactamundo. For example, this year’s Constipation Party convention cast 309 votes in their second and final round, but there were not nearly that many participating. Their delegates cast votes on behalf of their state based on points allotted to the delegation by a formula. The delegation can then split them up any way they see fit, which is why some candidates ended up with fractional votes.

  4. The status of the May 22 meeting is disputed. The party Chair contends the meeting will begin as session of the convention because he has ruled that the internet is a “place” under the party Bylaws. Others, such as a co-founder of the party, Mr. Robinson, dispute the Chair’s interpretation and insist that a communication protocol cannot be a place in the original and most generally accepted sense of the word “place.”
    The meeting is virtual in the sense of “almost nearly, but not really” a convention; or, “kinda, sorta like” a convention; or, a “simulated” convention; or an online caucus authorized by the Libertarian National Committee to reach a decision on a subject and submit their decision to the real, legally convened convention for a final legal decision – in a real place where real people can see and really personally interact with one another under established rules. This real convention being substantially identical with historic and legal practice of long standing. For clarity, the caucus meeting itself it not illegitimate so long as it confines itself to the the tasks and only the tasks authorized for it by the National Committee under the governing Bylaws and Rules of Order.
    This is the opinion of the founding Chair of the Libertarian Party Constitution, Bylaws and Rules Committee of 1972 and currently a member of the national Libertarian Party Judicial Committee (Acting), Mr. D. Frank Robinson.

  5. The true problem with the “place” issue is how the nominees are to be certified. Presumably, the recording secretary’s location is the most real physical “place” of the convention, because that is where the record will be made and kept, and presumably the recording secretary will notarize any required documentation at his or her “place.” In a sense, the virtual convention is being held in the computer where the recording secretary is located.

  6. Again —

    Libertarian Party Bylaws and Convention Rules
    Adopted in Convention, July 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana

    Art VII
    12. Upon appeal by ten percent of the delegates credentialed at the most recent Regular Convention or one percent of the Party sustaining members the Judicial Committee shall consider the question of whether or not a decision of the National Committee contravenes specified sections of the Bylaws. If the decision is vetoed by the Judicial Committee, it shall be declared null and void.

    ANY time and place limits ??? aka – statute of limitations ???

  7. Libertarian Party One-party System
    By James Ogle for US President or Vice President and LNC Vice Chair

    Two single-winner election districts = two males in a one-party system.

    No discussion, no equal time, no equal treatment allowed and no talk of voting power for female Delegates and Electors by United Coalition USA.

    The LP brought the all-male one-party System and snuffed out any chances for equal time and equal treatment and friendly competition of ideas for the last two years in California since 2018.
    * * *

  8. News Flash

    L.P. Adopts SF One-party System!

    LNC Old Boy One-party System
    By James Ogle for US President or Vice President and LNC Vice Chair

    LNC “Old Boy Network” blocked any discussion of the three-party voting system, instead the selection of President and Vice President used one-party system of ranked choice voting in single-winner election districts, which guarantees no opposition won’t win.

    Male Electors control about 82% of the Electors from the 2016 Johnson/Weld campaign.

    One candidate trying bring the correct math, specifically James Ogle for US President or Vice President, was blocked from being on same debate stage with the all-male nominnees that were picked.

    The one-party system is a continuation of the snuffing out of competitive voting methods carried on since 1995 by the LNC when the United Coalition USA first brought the issue to the LNC.

    The elections a two single-winner election districts brought two males victory in a one-party system with no discussion, no equal time, no equal treatment was allowed.

    The selection event allowed no talk or discussion about voting power for female Delegates and Electors by United Coalition USA. The delegate selection system used the Approval Voting (AppV) method all Delegates got one token which is a two-party system.

    The PPR Electoral College elected Prez (Ardeleanu) and VP (Ogle) correctly with 16.66% plus one vote each for a total of 33.33%.

    Women’s voting power not allowed a chance for discussion in debate so the all-male control could continue.

    The LP brought the all-male one-party System and snuffed out any competition of ideas for two years in California. The campaign was announced and immediately deleted from the California State LP Facebook page in 2018 through current online debate event.
    * * *

  9. Not ANY mention of Top Ten/Six Plus PLAS that I have heard.
    The LP and GP COULD HAVE won 50/50 this November. But no.
    Vermin Supreme is the powers that be candidate, Spike Cohen Israel’s candidate.
    The idea is to keep the LP full ballot access away from any ticket that COULD win i.e. a fusion ticket.
    The two “major” parties in USA are NOT dem and rep.
    They are GP and CP.
    Duverger’s Law will win again in 2020.
    Just like 2016, 2012,2008 …etc.

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