One Delegate to Libertarian Presidential Convention Plans to Nominate Justin Amash for President

At the Libertarian virtual presidential convention that starts on May 22, one delegate, John V. LaBeaume, plans to nominate Congressman Justin Amash for president, even though Amash has said he doesn’t seek the nomination.

There is precedent for parties to nominate presidential candidates who say they are not seeking the nomination. In 1952 the Democratic National Convention nominated Adlai Stevenson for president, even though he had said vehemently before the convention that he did not want the nomination. However, he was Governor of Illinois at the time, and the convention was in Chicago, so he addressed the convention on the first day in his role as host governor. His speech was so well-received, the convention nominated him despite his expressed wishes.

In 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt did not attend the Democratic convention, which was also in Chicago. He had U.S. Senator Alben Barkley read this statement on the first day: “I have never had, and have not today, any desire or purpose to continue in the office of President, to be a candidate for that office, or to be nominated by the convention for that office. I wish in earnestness and sincerity to make it clear that all of the delegates in this convention are free to vote for any candidate.” The convention did nominate him for a third term.


One Delegate to Libertarian Presidential Convention Plans to Nominate Justin Amash for President — 24 Comments

  1. Under lp bylaws he would have to accept the nomination . It does not sound like he is interested. Let it go. He made the right choice and even if he hadn’t it’s his choice to make.

  2. For the reasons Woody cited, he couldn’t be on the official ballot. But people wanting to express some support for the candidacy that could have been may write him in on the first ballot, although it may drag out the process an additional round of voting.

  3. Does he have to accept his name being put in nomination? Or, would he have nothing to say unless he wins the nomination?

  4. Would have to affirmatively accept to be on the ballot. Write ins allowed but would still have to accept. Terrible waste of time . Bad look. If we can’t get a republican to lead us well we’ll just have to try to rush him into it. Have some dignity and pride, maybe more than a basic lapdog or house slave?

  5. ALL the more reasons to REQUIRE candidates to declare as candidates months before an election.

    VARIOUS under-cover moron-candidates love to play their EVIL teaser games — to DECEIVE – in their EVIL machinations.

  6. This has always been possible at Libertarian Party conventions. Also, delegates can vote for whoever they want, including candidates who are not on the official convention ballot, it is just that in order to officially get the nomination and run, the candidate has to be legally eligible to hold the office for which they are running, and they have to be current dues paying members, or Life Members, of the Libertarian Party.

    I was a delegate to the 2012 LP National Convention and I was not happy with any of the candidates running for the presidential nomination, so I cast a write in vote for Ron Paul to be the presidential candidate, even though he was not seeking the LP’s nomination. I did this as a PROTEST vote. I thought about voting for NOTA (aka-None Of The Above), which is also an option on every LP ballot, but I do think that the LP should run SOMEBODY for President, and I figured that my vote for Ron Paul would be a better way to voice my protest than it would if I had voted for NOTA. Ron Paul in theory could have been nominated, because he is legally eligible to be President, and he was and still is a Life Member of the Libertarian Party.

  7. BDR

    Amen. Thank you, someone gets it. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

  8. Different party, different bylaws. And yes FDR was lying and most likely Stevenson too, but I don’t think Amash is lying. If he wanted to run he would have run. Thankfully he made the correct choice.

  9. Adlai Stevenson was not lying. He knew he couldn’t win against Dwight Eisenhower.

  10. Andy I think you misunderstand what NOTA means, it doesn’t mean run no one, it means none of the current choices. When NOTA wins all candidates are removed and new nominations are made with the previous nominees barred from the ballot.

  11. I already knew this about NOTA. What you said was exactly what happened in the Chairman’s race when Sarwark got up snd gave his famous “None Of The Above” speech, and NOTA won, so new candidates emerged out of the delegation.

    Theoretically, a majority of delegates could keep voting NOTA until the convention time ends. I wonder what would happen in that case.

  12. Due to the EVIL minority rule election systems in the USA —

    what top hack monarchs / oligarchs do NOT lie early and often about all sorts of stuff– esp re undeclared wars ???

    End the ROT since 1776


  13. In the LP’s presidential nomination, a majority vote for NOTA does not re-open nominations. It means the candidate affirmatively chooses to nominate no candidate and that’s the end of it.

  14. LNC Old Boy One-party System
    By James Ogle for US President or Vice President and LNC Vice Chair

    LNC “Old Boy Network” blocked any discussion of the three-party voting system, instead the selection of President and Vice President used one-party system of ranked choice voting in single-winner election districts, which guarantees no opposition won’t win.

    Male Electors control about 82% of the Electors from the 2016 Johnson/Weld campaign.

    One candidate trying bring the correct math, specifically James Ogle for US President or Vice President, was blocked from being on same debate stage with the all-male nominnees that were picked.

    The one-party system is a continuation of the snuffing out of competitive voting methods carried on since 1995 by the LNC when the United Coalition USA first brought the issue to the LNC.

    The elections a two single-winner election districts brought two males victory in a one-party system with no discussion, no equal time, no equal treatment was allowed.

    The selection event allowed no talk or discussion about voting power for female Delegates and Electors by United Coalition USA. The delegate selection system used the Approval Voting (AppV) method all Delegates got one token which is a two-party system.

    The PPR Electoral College elected Prez (Ardeleanu) and VP (Ogle) correctly with 16.66% plus one vote each for a total of 33.33%.

    Women’s voting power not allowed a chance for discussion in debate so the all-male control could continue.

    The LP brought the all-male one-party System and snuffed out any competition of ideas for two years in California. The campaign was announced and immediately deleted from the California State LP Facebook page in 2018 through current online debate event.
    * * *

  15. This nomination would actually have been a good idea if Amash had joined the LP, changed his affiliation in Congress, but had NOT announced he was seeking the nomination. It would have been a clean draft.

    However, if he accepted it now, he’d just look waffly and indecisive. His withdrawal got national media attention outside the party and can’t be walked back without tossing his credibility….which was really his main asset.

  16. LP Bylaws
    Special Conv rules — spacing added.


    1. No person shall be nominated for President or Vice-President unless at least 30 registered delegates join in the nomination in writing submitted to the Chair.

    No delegate may join in nominating more than one candidate for each office.

    The affixing of signatures to a nominating petition per this requirement shall be effected by a transfer of signature tokens issued by the Credentials Committee.

    2. The Party’s nominee for President shall be chosen by majority vote.

    If no candidate has attained a majority, the candidate with the fewest votes and any candidates polling less than 5% shall be struck from subsequent ballots.

    This procedure shall be repeated after every ballot in which no candidate has received a majority vote, until one candidate attains a majority.

    3. Each delegation shall tabulate its total vote, and the delegation chair shall deliver a written total to the Secretary.

    When all the delegations have submitted their votes, the Secretary shall declare the voting closed.

    At this point, an announcement of each delegation’s vote total shall be made by delegation chairs in alphabetical order beginning with a randomly selected delegation.

    4. The Party’s nominee for Vice-President shall be chosen by the same procedure as for the Presidential nominee except that the Presidential nominee shall have the privilege of addressing the Convention for 5 minutes, after nominations have been made but before voting has begun, for the purpose of endorsing or objecting to any of the Vice-Presidential nominees.

    Nominations for Vice-President shall close after selection of the Presidential nominee.

    5. Nominating and seconding speeches for each candidate shall be limited in duration as follows:

    a. President: Total of 16 minutes;

    b. Vice-President: Total of 11 minutes.

    A delegate who collects the required number of nominating tokens so designated may speak up to 5 minutes in favor of voting for None Of The Above.

    What gang of 30 love each Prez candidate raved about on this list ???

    Rule 1 resulted from a 1996 delegate going against the party top oligarchs.

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