Howie Hawkins’ Wisconsin Petition is Challenged

The independent presidential petition in Wisconsin for Howie Hawkins, Green Party nominee, has been challenged. The basis is that while the petitioning was underway, Hawkins’ vice-presidential running mate, Angela Walker, changed her residence address within South Carolina. The challenge says the petition is invalid because the address she listed is no longer her true address.

The individual who filed the challenge is represented by an attorney.


Howie Hawkins’ Wisconsin Petition is Challenged — 31 Comments

  1. weak ass challenge , they need to eliminate challenges, make ballot access fair and easy

  2. The simple solution is to just make unsuccessful challengers pay for the signature validation.

  3. The problem with that it’s they then tend to charge petitioning candidates and groups if they get knocked off.

  4. unless it’s in WI state statutes that a presidential candidate is forbidden to move during the election cycle, then throw this out

  5. What a laughably flimsy challenge.

    The imbecilic megalomaniac in the White House, a lifelong New Yorker who filed for bankruptcy no fewer than a half-dozen times — screwing his creditors and small contractors time and again — changed his address from Manhattan’s Trump Tower to his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida, last autumn ostensibly to avoid New York’s 8.2% state tax rate and NYC’s 3.87% tax rate (Florida doesn’t have an income or estate tax) and nobody cared, yet a working-class, minor-party candidate for the vice-presidency relocates from one residence to another in the same state and defenders of at least one of the two factions of the failed duopoly look to remove that alternative ticket on a technicality.

    It’ll be interesting to see who filed this ridiculously silly challenge.

    While President Trump freely changes his address to avoid paying taxes and his past-his-prime Democratic opponent may or may not remember where he himself lives, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the two major parties — having utterly failed to prepare the country for the current health pandemic despite at least two decades of warnings and completely clueless about how to pull the country out of what will almost certainly be a resulting deep economic depression, perhaps mirroring the Great Depression, or worse — are growing desperate.

    This is the United States of America. People are free to relocate any time they want and for whatever reason they desire, whether they’re running for national office or not.

    Dump the Duopoly!

  6. I can’t blame Trump for changing his primary address. People are leaving NYC in droves- the mayor is begging them to come back. Maybe if the city wasn’t such a mess of crime, didn’t have border checkpoints, and actually had a decent tax rate, they would.

  7. Both gerrymander gangs love more and more NET tax slaves–

    working harder and harder making goods/services for the gerrymander gang bosses to consume with their high incomes from looting the regime treasuries.

    See Beirut ROT.

  8. Darcy Richardson,

    What is the matter with you?
    Are you crazy?
    If you had listened to me, you could have had the Green nomination. Picked Jo or some other f lib. for a fusion ticket and been soaring in the polls by now.
    But no, you got involved in the Alliance party centrist reactionary losers.
    Dump the Duopoly!???????????
    Forget about it because you are a LOSER!
    And nobody listens to a loser.

  9. Darcy,
    Where have all the nominees gone?
    Long time passing.
    Where have all the nominees gone?
    Long time ago.
    Where have all the nominees gone?
    Gone down to defeat every one.
    When will they ever learn?
    When will they ever learn?

  10. I do not think Duverger’s Law will accommodate a third centrist reactionary party.
    Maybe briefly, like Perot. But not sustained.
    The Duopoly polarization is too powerful.
    Your Alliance/Reform et al party/movement, perhaps laudable, will certainly fail.
    But by all means, knock yourself out. Learn the hard way.
    Spit on Duverger’s grave while you are at it, why don’t you?
    Waste Rocky’s money.
    I am damn sure not contributing to it, or Howie and the Green losers either.
    And I an talking about around 40k.

  11. Demo Rep just wants to complain, no matter what happens. Even if he has to contradict himself.

  12. This seems like a valid challenge. Here in New York if someone signs a petition and puts down their mailing address instead of the city/township they reside in they are disqualified. I assume the same should be true for candidates. If she had moved after the petitioning period was over then they could probably stay on.

  13. Kind of disappointed Richard still isn’t offering up a name of the challenger or his/her attorney. I’ve googled and found no other stories. I’ve also seen nothing on the Wisconsin GP Twitter or Facebook pages or on Howie’s website ballot access page. So, where ARE you getting this from, Richard?

    Unless you provide some actual names and/or other specific info by Monday afternoon, I’ll file this under rumor-mongering.

  14. So if someone has to move after their petition begins their signatures are not valid, and neither the candidate nor the address can be substituted? How are people supposed to foresee unforeseen circumstances? Nothing about that sounds valid. It actually sounds capricious and discriminatory.

  15. Mailing address vs physical address is not analogous. It’s something that someone has every opportunity to know at the start of the petition drive. That’s not always the case for people who have to move on short notice for economic, family and other such reasons.

  16. Yes, it’s different. Voters can register to vote before the cut off. They can’t necessarily know whether they will have to move and if they do they are not immediately thrown off the rolls .and can still vote.

  17. Not if they have moved and are now in their new residence. Sure it would be unlikely to be caught but it’s still illegal to vote in a district you don’t live in

  18. It’s not even remotely similar. It doesn’t impact the ballot choices of other people and the limited resources of petitioning groups.

  19. We’re not going to play 99 guesses. Some guy is just some guy, nothing more, nothing less.

  20. I tagged Richard and the GP national on Twitter earlier today. No response from either. Of course, Twitter’s signal-to-noise ratio even outside of nutbars is high.

  21. Fred: True dat; not sure which “tagging” you might be referring to. On the GP, I both @ tagged it and hashtagged. Didn’t do that for Richard or BAN. That said he’s posted several times since then, and saw my comment at the top of the page. I still consider it rumor-mongering, per Some Guy.

  22. The Wisconsin challenge period has ended so a call to their sos would clear up any doubt on who did or did not get a challenge if websites leave room for doubt or don’t get updated often enough.

  23. obviously some DNC operative filed this ballot access challenge. It’s alot easier to elminate a whole party and disenfranchise thousands of voters when you can do it anonymously and you know the supreme court in Wisconsin is stacked with Biden-Endorsed hacks that owe him a favor. For all the wailing about the sanctity of the vote the Democrats are straight up Hypocrites I’m writing in Howie Hawkins for the rest of my life.

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