Illinois State Board of Elections Looks at Kanye West’s Petition and Determines it Lacks Enough Valid Signatures

On August 7, an official connected to the Illinois State Board of Elections looked at each signature on Kanye West’s petition, and determined that only 1,200 signatures are valid. This action was only taken because the petition had been challenged. This makes it very likely that at the hearing for the challenge, West will be removed. Thanks to Sam Cahnman for this news.


Illinois State Board of Elections Looks at Kanye West’s Petition and Determines it Lacks Enough Valid Signatures — 34 Comments

  1. Has there been any official confirmation that the rest of the candidates with petitions over 250 signatures are on the ballot, such as Brian Carroll of the American solidarity Party?

  2. No one challenged Brian Carroll in Illinois, and he had more than 250 signatures, so he is safe.

  3. So… Can’t say I’m surprised. Kayne continues to bat .000 in valid petition submissions to states. States which don’t require petitions don’t count, and there aren’t many of them.

  4. His name is Kanye West. Kardashian is the surname of his pornstar wife who is the daughter of one OJ Simpson’s attorneys.

  5. He married up, so I’ll call the gold digger kayne kardashian. Call him whatever you want, the more important fact is that do far this bipolar attention whore is submitting invalid petitions in every state where a verdict on the matter has been issued.

  6. Where as kayne kardashian is known for being a massive ass. Sounds like a perfect match.

  7. If you say so. I don’t really care though. Show me a state where his petition is accepted.

  8. When will RW PURGE the resident Trump/Putin/Xi TROLL MORON off BAN ??? —

    today using Wookie/Fact checker fake names – mere 8 troll of 10 posts.

  9. Dookie and fact checker are different people, and they don’t like each other. Neither one of them likes the troll demo rep, who also doesn’t like them. All 3 are trolls. Demo Rep likes to pretend he’s better because he’s been here longer. But he’s not.

  10. How can we objectively prove that demo rep is a troll, you might ask? For starters there’s his position, of you can call it that, on covid relief granted by courts. If they provide it he calls them lawless tyrants. But if they don’t he calls them names too. There’s literally nothing they can do that won’t get him to call them names.

    An additional salient question is what exactly does demo rep do besides call people names in these comments and provide the blog owner with a few news tips. Apparently the answer is nothing. From what I’ve been able to gather he used to be a lawyer and file ballot access lawsuits. It’s not clear what happened to him, but he seems to have become increasingly mentally ill over the years and turned into a full time troll, doing nothing else with his life except call people names in these comments. And apparently there is literally no position anyone can take to not be called names by him.

  11. So what you are actually saying is that the reason why demo rep wants other trolls banned is not because he’s a nontroll but because he is a troll and doesn’t like other trolls hanging out in the turf he has staked out as his own troll territory?

  12. Based on an objective and impartial analysis of the available facts, that does seem to be the best interpretation of the known evidence on this matter. However, despite being a big hairy troll, wookie aka Dookie has managed to rise above trolling in this particular instance by bringing up an actual fact relevant to the subject at hand, the batting average thus far of the kayne Kardashian ballot access petitions. Everything else has been reflections and name calling but the this far unchallenged and incontrovertible fact remains true and remains relevant to the original posted subject matter at hand.

  13. Ok, I can’t argue with that, other than to nitpick whether Kardashian or west should be the spouse most deserving of adopting the other’s surname on any sort of criteria other than presumed genitalia configuration. Or perhaps whether his first name is kanye or, as it appeared on at least one of the many and this far 100% defficient state petition submissions kayne. Clearly it’s an objective fact that his petitions are so far found one hundred percent caca no bueno by multiple state elections offices.

    But let’s not let that deflect from the real subject most relevant to this and all other discussions according to some troll using the obviously fake name demo rep. And that is of course the eternal and oh so important question of how many different flesh and blood humans hide behind the many fake names under which people comment here, what their parents named them, which ones are the same person and which ones are different, and whether they receive remuneration from a powerful gang organisation which claims a chunk of land outside the USA as its home turf.

  14. By Jove, my Good and jolly fellow, I think you’re getting to the heart of this matter. Why does Mr. Jones, if that is indeed his meatspace deadname, wish to convince himself and others that there is only one unified troll who rules them all? Whence comes these unified troll theory? What is its true psychosymptomatical origin within the biochemically damaged collection of neurons that presumably serves as the guiding mechanism and skull ballast of the supposed Mr Jones? What psychic purpose does it hold in making sense of the universe according to Tommy boy?

    If I may posit a theory, it is perhaps that the possibility that there is more than one troll here, and that they agree that demo rep is also a troll despite regarding each other as strolls, is far too terrifying for Mr Jones to confront directly, lest it shatter his one remaining link to the world of sanity.

    But, what of Mr Jones continually insisting that his conglomerates imagined troll nemesis, the grand antidemorep mirror image he imagines lurking behind all shadows which is the last thing on his mind whenever he goes to sleep, the first as he trolls out of bed, the constant whale of his nightmares and bain of his daydreams, must do what it does because it is hired for this task, and not just by some run of the mill sociopathic person of means but by powerful satanic global nemesis dictator of great power?

    Perhaps this not only absolves Mr Jones of selfrealization that he too is a troll, or that the devil really was in miss Jones having a great time and she loved it and ran off with him, and is now lost to him forever. But, it also allows him to paint in his own mind as captain America here to save the country and the world and not just some small time has been loser whose last remaining semblance of a life is leaving annoying and barely comprehensible comments every single day at a relatively obscure ultraniche website.

  15. But mr or ms Mamamanameme, why are you so mean to mr Jones? I mean something is happening, that’s the only thing that we can know for sure. But you don’t know what that is, do you, Mr Jones?

  16. Thank you for the incisive question Wyatt erp. In my many years of praxis as a or even the rapist, practicing the voodoo art of head shrinking along the theories of Carlos the jackal jung and Dr, fraud, I’ve found that the only path to healing comes from directly forcing the unwilling subject to confront what they most strongly try to avoid.

    It is the desperate need to avoid these unwanted facts that causes subjects to act out which in my professional field we call asking for it and thus put themselves in a position to fall into my grasp. So, what we do to correct their errant behavior is punish them by confronting them with what they try to escape from so they can begin to get better after being painfully forced to deal with it until they can’t take it anymore.

    So, for mr Jones to get better, we have to hold him down and make him scream in pain from being forced to confront the things he tries to avoid by acting like a psychotic raving loony jerk here and avoiding real life and normal human interaction .

  17. 7 more fake name TROLL Storm posts by the resident NUTCASE / SICKO Troll [who needs professional help / drugs even more than Twitter Storm NUTCASE / SICKO Trump ] —

    Me Pedro
    Manny Spillane
    Mo deepr
    Moe derp
    Mor peed
    Thisbewut Mamamanameme
    Do me, Erp
    Got er done

    Purge the NUTCASE TROLL off BAN.

  18. Demo Rep (Thomas Jones) is a troll. He says he wants open ballot access, then complains when Vermont and Colorado ease up on the process. Why Richard holds him in such high regard, I do not understand.

  19. Mr. E. Pedo – Ha Ha Hahahahahahahaaa!!!! Oh man, you nailed it. Why didn’t I think of that one?

  20. I’m sure I’m not the only Mr E Pedo so it probably wouldn’t hurt my feelings if there was more than one of us, especially since there would not be anything I could do about it even if it did, but it wouldn’t.

  21. The super-MORON troll replying to its own MORON posts.

    Very cute pre-skoooool stuff.

    Does it get extra candy from fellow Trump/Putin/Xi trolls ???

  22. Hey Thomas Jones, why haven’t you responded to your hypocrisy? Just admit you are a troll.

  23. There are at least two trolls you are conflating infinite and at least a third, being you, demo rep. And Putin and xi don’t care about us any more than they care about you. Too bad you’re too much of a moron to understand these simple facts. The other troll may be a far right loonie but he’s right on the money about your hypocrisy.

  24. I’m sorry, I’m a dolt who asked a question… then found the answer a few minutes afterwards. Apparently there were 3,128 signatures submitted. So that’s a very high percent that weren’t counted.

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