COFOE Needs Your Help

The Coalition for Free & Open Elections (COFOE) earnestly requests a donation from readers of this page. COFOE recently paid for the Oklahoma Libertarian Party appeal fees (this is the case in state court challenging the 5% petition for new parties, and the 10% vote test for old parties to remain on the ballot). COFOE also paid the fees to appeal the Ohio independent petition deadline to the U.S. Supreme Court. As a result, COFOE’s funds are almost depleted.

Anyone who donates at least $25 will receive a free sub to the paper version of Ballot Access News, which contains content not found on this web page. For example, the August 1 issue contains a humerous story about how the Reform Party candidate for Governor of Florida (who is the wealthiest candidate in that race) “crashed” the recent Florida Democratic State Convention and addressed the crowd. That issue also contains a chart, showing how much money each political party received in state income tax donations, in the 13 states that permit such donations on state income tax forms. The chart contrasts the results with last year’s results.

The postal address is PO Box 470296, San Francisco Ca 94147. Checks can be made out to “COFOE”.


COFOE Needs Your Help — 1 Comment

  1. Richard Winger, you are a secular saint!
    As a long term Libertarian, you are more fair to Peace and Freedom (and the Greens and the reformers and the Constitutionalists and the ______________!) than alot of their own party loyalists!
    Freedom to choose is inherent in the Declaration of Independence and the Confederation and the Constitution! This is especially true for reformers and reformists. By design, any (Green, Lib, ARP/USUSA, American Independent Party, Socialist, or conservative….) reformers and reformists are anti establishment! Any one else, by deffinition, is a Democan and or Republicrat mole!
    We are a nation and a culture which continues to catch up to its creed (and even out right propaganda!)

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