Vermont Progressives Run 17 Candidates for Legislature

The Vermont Progressive Party ran eleven candidates for State House of Representatives in 2004, and elected six of them. This year, the party is running seventeen candidates for State House, the most ever. One of the Progressives (Dexter Randall) won the Democratic and Republican nominations as well, so he is certain to be re-elected. Another six Progressives won the Democratic primary.

It is possible that four parties will be represented in the Vermont House after the November 2006 election, since five Libertarians won Republican primaries as well (three of those five primaries were contested). Seven Libertarians were running for the Vermont House of Representatives. If things had gone as planned, that would have meant five with the ballot label “Libertarian, Republican” and two as “Libertarian”. But due to late postal delivery, documents for four candidates were delivered late, so that there now only six Libertarians on the ballot. One has the label “Libertarian”, two have “Libertarian, Republican” and three have just “Republican”, even though they were also nominated by the Libertarian Party.

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