North Dakota Constitution Party Turns in Its 2008 Party Petition

On November 20, the North Dakota Constitution Party turned in its petition to be on the ballot as a party in 2008. The North Dakota Libertarian Party had turned in a similar position several weeks ago. The Maryland Green Party is about to submit its 2008 party petition, and the Arizona Green Party has begun its 2008 party petition. The Nebraska Libertarian is half finished with its 2008 party petition.


North Dakota Constitution Party Turns in Its 2008 Party Petition — 5 Comments

  1. McChicken McCain as Constitutional candidate P2008?

    ….days ago, ThinkProgress blogged that McCain is hiring Falwell’s staffers. Specifically, the debate coach at Liberty University, who will advise McCain on communications issues. So we can look forward to McCain’s new position on fighting the war on terror: “Blow them all away in the name of the Lord.”

    * That is a pretty easy case to make. Here’s Falwell on the causes of 9/11:

    I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say ‘you helped this happen.’

    Posted by Jonathan Stein on 11/20/06 at 2:56 PM
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    In his rant, Falwell forgot to mention commie pinkos, tree huggers, Prius drivers, biscotti munchers and those guys who carry babies around in little front-facing backpacks. I think he’s close to a major breakthrough. Soon, with the help of the NSA and a legion of Bob Jones University interns, he’ll pinpoint the exact date of the Rapture and the West Village leather bar that is the evil, pulsing heart of American secularism.

    Come back to terra firma, McCain [Citizens: “Centrist Maverick”? Yeah, sure, right!].

    I know there is good inside you.
    [Citizens: DO NOT BE SO SURE!]

    Posted by: Jeremy Miller, NJ on 11/21/06 at 9:38 AM

    Jerry Faldwell’s newest bestest friend: McChicken McCain!

    And pandering on abused veterans issues? CALVETS/ CDVA is easily the worst agency in California state government! Dozens have died under very unusual circumstances! The once ‘Cadillac’ state home loans is now a broken down ‘Yugo’! The Veterans Home of California at Barstow is easily the worst former military care campus on the planet. [ON THE PLANET!]

    And from the dusty hills of Arid Zona comes that fakey dakey ‘straight shooting’ former Hanoi Hilton resident advocating [NOT FOR VETERANS, THEIR FRIENDS, THEIR FAMILIES] but for the Establishment’s Steer Manure Pile of failed veterans programs.

    Be it insider Democan Governor Gray Davis or Mister Hollywood Hype [The Govenator], Arid Zona McChicken McCain loves to spend time on the Coast [and in Coastal news outlets — free national publicity] and is all for veterans programs which provide the ineffective old line traditional ‘chartered’ [CHEEZIE] veterans organizations as a platform that they are actually doing something, no matter how lethal!

    California veterans programs are not merely deadly and ineffective, but also frauduant. The current homes are poorly run and critical patients/ family/ friends/ employee get illegally hounded by the $100K a year misadministrators! The homes under construction bear little relation to the Proposition 16 Bonds that voters OK’d [over our warnings!] in March 2000!

    Out right Fraud, hidden in plain sight!

    Post Office Box 2258
    Barstown Collie Fornia
    619.420.0209, 760.253.2371, 619.426.5698, 619.852.1481

    With ‘friends’ like Governors Wilson, Davis, and Schwartzen Faker, and ‘advocates’ like Jerry Faldwell’s buddy, veterans do not need enemies!

    Posted by: Citizens For A Better Veterans Home (founded 1998) on 11/21/06 at 11:44 AM

  2. What in the world does post 2 have to do with the Constitution Party turning in signatures in North Dakota?

  3. clearly you missed the forced segue in the first sentence.

    who cares? the more the merrier! that guy’s excited about ballot access issues and so are we!

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