Wayne Root Discusses Campaign for Libertarian Presidential Nomination

Wayne Root kindly granted a telephone interview to BAN editor Richard Winger on April 28. Root had appeared at the California Libertarian Party state convention on April 21, one of the five candidates seeking the party’s presidential nomination who spoke there. He will file his Exploratory Committee with the Federal Election Commission in the coming week. He will then launch his campaign web page. He does not expect to visit all the Libertarian Party state conventions held during the next few months, but he will be sending a DVD to each state party. His future reality-based TV show is not connected in any way with the recently announced MySpace proposed reality show “Independent.” Root’s proposed TV reality show, based on his campaign to win the Libertarian nomination, will be produced in connection with Burt Debrow. It will appear on cable, not broadcast TV, so the “equal time” rule won’t apply (it is not clear that the “equal time” rule would have barred the show in any event, since the rule has been weakened so drastically over the decades).


Wayne Root Discusses Campaign for Libertarian Presidential Nomination — No Comments

  1. This guy is just trying to copy Imperato. Wayne Root has no credentials to be President of the United States.

  2. RE: Jake Roberts comments
    Root is copying Imperato? Please don’t say you’re serious.
    Imperato is so far from being a Libertarian it is a joke. I know, he’s from my area in Florida.
    I have my issues with Root, however if you’re considering only the two, you would have to go with Root.

  3. “Imperato is so far from being a Libertarian it is a joke. I know, he’s from my area in Florida.
    I have my issues with Root, however if you’re considering only the two, you would have to go with Root.”

    From what I’ve seen from Wayne Root he’s not much of a Libertarian either.

  4. If you accept the World’s Smallest Political Quiz as a test for libertarian purity, Wayne Root is a libertarian.

    I have a copy of his WSPQ. He scored 100% on Economic Issues, and 80% on Personal Issues. And that was while he was still a Republican, back in January.

    The Mission Statement of the LP is to move public policy in a libertarian direction by electing Libertarians to public office. To do that on a national scale, you need an LP with hundreds of thousands of financial donors. To get to that point, you probably need a Presidential candidate who gets well over a million votes.

    It would be great if Murray Rothbard libertarianism could be sold to the average American voter at the present time. However, 35 years of LP electoral failure has proven
    that no one has figured out how to get Ivory Snow Libertarians elected to office.
    (99 44/100% pure)

    If the LP nominates Wayne Root, I can virtually guarantee that he will beat Ed Clark’s 1.06% of the vote because Wayne Root is a super-excellent salesman.

    Scott Lieberman (for ID only – LNC Alt, Region 2)

  5. “Scott Lieberman Says:
    April 29th, 2007 at 9:07 am
    If you accept the World’s Smallest Political Quiz as a test for libertarian purity, Wayne Root is a libertarian.”

    The World’s Smallest Political Quiz is merely a tool to give people a general idea of where they fall on the political spectrum, it is not completely accurate or thorough.

    I’ve check out Wayne Root and I don’t believe that he makes the cut, and he certainly should not be a candidate for the Libertarian Party, especially the Presidential candidate.

    I think that Root’s knowledge of the issues and libertarian philosophy is weak. Root is also a warmonger. He favor the phony “War on Terror” and fails to grasp the concept that “war is the health of the state.”

    As if this stuff wasn’t bad enough, Wayne Root kisses up to the very worst elements of the Republican Party as he openly admires Bush, Cheney, and other neo-con fascist. He also idolizes the con-artist/huckster Ronald Reagan. Root has even endorsed the nightmare ticket of John McCain & Joe Lieberman (one of the worst Republicans and one of the worst Democrats) for President & Vice President in 2008.

    “The Mission Statement of the LP is to move public policy in a libertarian direction by electing Libertarians to public office.”

    Nominating a Republitarian warmonger con-artist/huckster like Wayne Root is not going to move the Libertarian Party forward. If anything it will drive away many potential converts. Any people it will bring in will be the type of people the party should avoid.

    “It would be great if Murray Rothbard libertarianism could be sold to the average American voter at the present time.”

    I’m not saying that the party should only nominate somebody if they are a 100% anarcho-capitalism now purist. Given the massive size of government, I don’t believe that it would be possible to shut it down in a short time period, so this is not even realistic. However, we should nominate somebody who has a clear understanding of the issues and of libertarian philosophy and who has a realistic plan to get from point A to point B. I don’t think that Wayne Root qualifies in this regaurd.

    “If the LP nominates Wayne Root, I can virtually guarantee that he will beat Ed Clark’s 1.06% of the vote because Wayne Root is a super-excellent salesman.”

    I don’t see any evidence of this. I do see evidence that Root will actually set the Libertarian Party back by giving off the impression that Libertarians are nothing more than a bunch of bootlicking Republican Lites.

    Comedian Doug Stanhope is supposed to officially “throw his hat in the ring” for the Libertarian Party Presidential nomination on May 3rd. From what I’ve seen from Doug Stanhope thus far, he sounds a heck of a lot more interesting than Wayne Root. Doug also sounds more libertarian than Root.

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