Doug Stanhope Drops Out of Libertarian Presidential Race; Blames Federal Campaign Laws

Doug Stanhope, who had been planning to announce that he is seeking the Libertarian presidential nomination, dropped out on May 1. He is a professional comedian. He said, “Federal Election Commission rules would not allow me to campaign at paid gigs while also retaining a personal income from those shows.”

Of course, he shouldn’t criticize the Federal Election Commission for the laws; he should criticize Congress.


Doug Stanhope Drops Out of Libertarian Presidential Race; Blames Federal Campaign Laws — No Comments

  1. I am glad Mr.Stanhope is not running, not that he would have gotten the nomination anyway. Doug’s comedy is funny, but out there on the fringe and the LP does not need to be branded “kooks” again. If by a miracle that Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination (yeah when monkeys fly out of my backside) I would hope that the LP would not run a Presidential candidate in 2008

  2. I’m disappointed that Doug Stanhope is not running. He would have made the race for the Libertarian Party Presidential nomination a heck of a lot more interesting than it is now.

    If Ron Paul fails to get the Republican nomination I’d sure like to see him go for the Libertarian Party Presidential nomination again.

  3. His run would have given the Libertarian Party a whole lot of media attention. Many thought that Ventura would label the Reform party as kooks and he motivated a huge voter turn out. I don’t think I would have voted for Stanhope but it would have been a very interesting show to watch. Sad to see him drop out and not look for a loop hole like do the paid gig then have a political fund raising after party or do a political diner fund raiser before the paid gig. I guess if he didn’t have enough money to hire a lawyer to figure out loop holes he really wasn’t serious.

  4. “Federal Election Commission rules would not allow me to campaign at paid gigs while also retaining a personal income from those shows.”

    So it’s obvious Stanhope was after the nomination purely for self-promotion reasons. He was using it to boost his faltering career.

  5. “So it’s obvious Stanhope was after the nomination purely for self-promotion reasons. He was using it to boost his faltering career.”

    How do you know this? Running for President is a big job. Maybe he wasn’t prepared to sacrifice a year and a half of income and comply with a bunch of BS paper work to do it. Dropping out of the race doesn’t make him a bad guy.

  6. “I guess if he didn’t have enough money to hire a lawyer to figure out loop holes he really wasn’t serious.”

    you have no fucking idea what your even talking about

    do just a little bit of reading before you open your stupid fuckin mouth

    first blog –

  7. No you’re right dropping out of the race doesn’t make him a bad guy; exploiting young/underage women in Girls Gone Wild videos does.

  8. FEC campaign laws favor full time politicians. He should not have to lose his regular job to run for office, even if that job is an entertainer. Most of the Libertarian candidates are boring. I would really like to see P.J O’Rourke to run.

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