Oklahoma Legislature Doesn’t Move Election Reform Bills

The Oklahoma legislature will adjourn on May 25. It appears that the only election law bill of any interest that is likely to pass this year is HB 2095, which moves the presidential primary to January 29. It passed the House on March 7 and will probably pass the Senate before adjournment. Thanks to the poster below for improving the accuracy of this item.

Bills to ease ballot access, to eliminate the straight-ticket device, and to implement the National Popular Vote Plan for presidential elections, are unlikely to pass.


Oklahoma Legislature Doesn’t Move Election Reform Bills — No Comments

  1. This is outrageous. Oklahoma legislators should all be lined up against the wall and…well, scolded severely!

    Apparently the idea of open and free elections is completely foreign to them.

  2. I believe HB2095 moves the primary to the last tuesday in January — in violation of the DNC calendar and rules. Thus, if passed and signed into law, Oklahoma would schedule its primary on the same day as South Carolina and Florida (if the governor signs the legislation – quite likely), one week before the “Super Tuesday”

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