Federal Government Sends Check to Each Major Party for $16,356,000 to Pay for National Conventions

On June 26, the Federal Election Commission authorized the U.S. Treasury to send a check for $16,356,000 to the Democratic Party, and another such check in the same amount to the Republican Party. This money is to be used for each major party’s national convention next year. Thanks to Tom Jones for this news.


Federal Government Sends Check to Each Major Party for $16,356,000 to Pay for National Conventions — No Comments

  1. How absurd. Why should the Citizens of this country pay for the two major parties to keep raping and stealing from the public.

    It is time for a revolution. A revolution at the polls!!

  2. This continues to illustrate that our federal rulers realize that they are our masters, and they allow us to keep only that part of our wealth that they don’t want at the moment. They realized we would submit to anything when they started authorizing, encouraging and paying for the killing of our unborn children, and we did not stop them. U.S. citizens exist for the benefit and use of their federal masters, get used to it or start supporting, joining and voting for the third party of your choice.

  3. I am sick and tired of working and paying my taxes for you sorrow and good for nothing criminals in Washington to continuously quander it away. All of you deserve to go to jail.

  4. What would expect from a bunch of power hungry bastards that tried to use partisinship to push the immigration bill down our throats. I say “Throw the bastards out, and get Ron Paul or Tom Tancredo to run third party[Constitution party] and put this country back on track to the constitution of our founding fathers.

  5. Using the Rule of Law (which Congress has absolutely no clue as to what it is), no group would receive special treatment, be it Republicans, Democrats, Blacks, Whites, heterosexual, or homosexual. Be sure to add your own particular group. It really makes no difference.

    We are supposed to have a representative government, where those representatives are supposed to go to Washington to insure that “individual” rights are protected.

    Whenever law is passed that provides for a group, that, in the words of Frederic Bastiat, becomes legal plunder.

  6. These Democrats and Republicans have plenty of money but they still take a welfare check to pay for their conventions. Disgusting.

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