Ron Paul Raises a 'Stunning' $5 Million for Third Quarter

At the beginning of the second half-hour of Wolf Blitzer’s “Situation Room” on CNN, he began with the news about Ron Paul’s third-quarter fundraising totals:

Some stunning political news this hour concerning Ron Paul: The Republican presidential hopeful is low in the national and state polls, but now, when it comes to campaign cash, he’s standing very tall.

Ron Paul’s campaign reports that the congressman from Texas raised five million dollars over the past three months. That’s in the same neighborhood as what rival John McCain is expected to report, and it’s five times what former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee reportedly raised. It’s also more than three million dollars more than Paul raised over the first six months of this year. Paul can partially credit his big bucks to a strong following on the Internet.

MSNBC’s Nora O’Donnell seemed astonished at the announcement.

ABC World News Tonight is flying to New Hampshire to interview Ron for tonight’s show. Earlier today, ABC called Ron’s totals “jaw-dropping.”


Ron Paul Raises a 'Stunning' $5 Million for Third Quarter — No Comments

  1. I think Norah was a disaster herself. If nothing else she is uneducated. To discredit Ron Paul she used the term “isolationist.” I guess anyone who doesnt want to fight wars for corporate profit or assassinate world leaders with the help of the CIA is an isolationist. Norah O’Donnell better do some howework. When will people wake up and realize that their government is not there to be their friend, it is there to make a profit for major corporations at the expense of the tax payer, the environment, and the human rights of people around the world. Ron Paul is a breath of fresh air and is exactly what this country needs right now.

  2. The only thing that’s clear is people really have no clue what Isolationism really is. I wonder if any of these “unbiased” news anchors realize how uneducated they look sometimes.

  3. When Ron Paul talks about the Constitution it’s not on that 8th grade level of some almost high school civics class, the spot where many of our Congressmen and Cpngresswomen dwell. No, he’s right there with the Founding Fathers!!

  4. I hear they are changing the primaries. You have to register as a republican to to get this guy the nomination.

    If you are a democrat, you need to back this guy in the primaries to send a message to your own party. If you are a republican, you need to try to salvage your party.

    Its just that simple.

  5. I hope that this means that when the Republicans deny Mr. Paul their nomination, he stays in the presidential race into November 2008 as an independent or on the LP line.

  6. Dr. Ron Paul won the debate. Dr. Ron Paul is only real true conservative. He is not fake like

    True conservative supports

    1) Small government;; Ron Paul is supports decreasing government like Homeland Security department, IRS, other department; Giuliani on the other hand made New York city government really big

    2) Supports 100% free market;; Ron Paul pro-free market, Giuliani, Mitt Romney and others don’t support free market

    3) No world policing;; Ron Paul is only one that doesn’t want USA to world police the world

    4) Give more rights to the people and trust the people

    5) No welfare and more jobs;; Ron Paul don’t support giving state aids to other countries, but support giving more private aids to countries

    6) Lower taxes;; Ron Paul wants to get rid of the IRS

  7. The same old-same old politicians have to raise ten to twenty dollars just to offset one dollar for Ron Paul. They may not be able to do it. The fat lady sings for love as well as for money and she hasn’t sung yet.

  8. I sent Norah O’Donnell a polite email asking her to not deliver her personal opinions of presidential candidates that she knows nothing about.

    I think she can claim ignorance, inexcusable as it is, but more often Ron Paul’s opponents try to label him as an isolationist because it has a negative stigma attached to it. She probably laps up everything Rudy McRomney says without doing any research on her own.

    “Ron Paul is the most honest man in Congress.” – John McCain

    “Ron Paul cured my apathy.” – America

  9. Unfortunately it took segregationist Governor Wallace to reveal the truth that “there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between” Republicans and Democrats. The Democrats willingly went along with the War in Iraq, suspension of Habeas Corpus, detaining protesters, banning books like America Deceived (book) from Amazon, stealing private lands (Kelo decision), warrant-less wiretapping and refusing to investigate 9/11 properly. They are both guilty of treason.

    Support the $5-million dollar man, Dr. Ron Paul and save this country.

    As an aside, we must give credit where it is due, this blogger guessed the $5 million donation number right first:
    Ron Paul Revolution

  10. Here are a few pages with information concerning the dates of state primaries and the deadlines by which you have to change your voter registration to Republican in order to vote for Ron Paul in the primaries:

    ATTENTION NEW HAMPSHIRE & NEW YORK VOTERS: You only have until October 12, 2007 to change your registration!!!

  11. I am not trying to stir up a hornet’s nest here, but is Ron Paul’s fundraising totals a ballot access story?

    If so, will the totals for all the candidates be posted?

  12. Any major news regarding Ron Paul would presumably be of interest here, even though on the surface this particular story seems to be offtopic. The two reasons I can think of for this are (1) he was the 1988 Libertarian Party candidate for president and has always been a hero to LP supporters, and (2) he is by far the friendliest person in the HOR to the third party cause, with the possible exception of Jesse Jackson, Jr.

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