Why Chris Dodd Didn’t Qualify for Virginia Primary

Senator Chris Dodd is not on the Virginia Democratic presidential primary ballot because his circulators turned in the petition to the state Democratic Party headquarters, rather than the State Board of Elections. By the time the mistake was understood, the deadline had passed. The Dodd campaign is trying to persuade the State Board of Elections to certify him anyway. UPDATE: the post above said he turned in the signatures to the state party, but that is incorrect. His campaign turned them in to Richmond City Hall. The State Board of Elections has since denied his appeal to be on the ballot even though he had not turned in his signatures at the right location.


Why Chris Dodd Didn’t Qualify for Virginia Primary — 8 Comments

  1. Gee. Some MORON staff folks for Dodd — like for ALL candidates who can NOT possibly understand ALL of the UNEQUAL ballot access laws in ALL 50 States — that are continuously changing due to nonstop EVIL machinations by the ruling gerrymander MORONS and related election bureaucrats.

  2. I believe in open ballots with lots of candidates. Even so, I come down with a touch of schadenfreude whenever a major party candidate becomes a victim of the same circumstances that minor-party candidates are forced to contend with year after year.

    I hope the SBE doesn’t bend the rules for him, and that it jades him into using his position to push for reform (as unlikely as that may be).

  3. I am sure that he will not push for exceptions so that candidates can get on the ballot to challenge for his Senate seat.
    Dodd is becoming a joke. He moved to Iowa so that he could solidify his one percent and then did not qualify for the primary in some of the biggest states.

  4. At first, I thought Dodd should be exempt from the ballot and get the same treatment like the third party candidates would get; but, I’ve changed my mind now. I don’t think he should get special treatment; but, his dilemma is a good example to use about how even a mainstream candidate can get screwed up because of all the different state ballot access laws. Whenever a candidate is denied ballot access because of a technicality it is an infringement on the choices the voter has. Candidates should not have to run a ballot access gauntlet in the USA in order to run. There comes a point when it starts to look unfair and ridiculous and rigged!

  5. Good point, John.

    Ralph Nader once said running for president isn’t about getting on the ballot once, but 51 times, with each state having different laws.

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