Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter File for Texas Presidential Primary

On the afternoon of December 28, Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter paid their $2,500 to be on the Texas Republican presidential primary ballot. Hugh Cort of Alabama also did so. Everyone whom one would expect to file for this primary has now done so, except for Fred Thompson. But he is free to file on December 31 or January 2.

Hugh Cort is now on the ballot in 7 Republican presidential primaries, more than any other little-known candidate for that nomination. He is also on in Alabama, Arizona, Missouri, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and South Carolina.


Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter File for Texas Presidential Primary — 20 Comments

  1. duncan hunter is the only real conservative on the ballot , support him folks / check him out !

  2. Fox News, terrified at the growing support of Congressman Ron Paul’s Presidential Campaign, has excluded him from their Jan. 6th Roundtable discussion which includes Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson

  3. I like Duncan Hunter. However, at this time in History, Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate I can support. Liberals and Conservatives alike have noticed the erosion of our property rights, our personal privacy, and the insanity that is the budget deficit used to pay for neocolonial wars…Pax Americana?

    No thanks. I prefer to side with the rEVOLution and restore the Republic.

    Austin, TX

  4. Ron Paul is a good candidate, but he is too much of an isolationist. It’s as if he doesn’t understand the world we live in today. Duncan Hunter is a great candidate, but he doesn’t have the experience needed for Presidency. Fred Thompson is an awesome candidate but… dang it! I can’t think of a but!

  5. To Judy:

    I checked out He is wrong on EVERY issue. I couldn’t believe how much I disagree with him on. For one thing, he wants to put my 85-year-old mother in prison for using medical marijuana.

    To Ryan:

    It is completely bizarre to me that anyone could be such a fan of Thompson. Are you just a “Law and Order” Fan? Also, how do you justify Thompson also wanting to imprison my 85-year-old mother?

  6. Paul/Hunter ticket is a sure fire winner for the United States. Both of these men stand for good and both have American interest FIRST! Paul – Citizen and States rights Hunter – Borders and Immigration


  7. “Eric Garris Says:
    December 29th, 2007 at 8:04 am
    To Judy:

    I checked out He is wrong on EVERY issue. I couldn’t believe how much I disagree with him on. For one thing, he wants to put my 85-year-old mother in prison for using medical marijuana.”

    Eric, I agree that overall Duncan Hunter sucks and I certainly would not vote for him, however, I did find one issue where he has a good pro-liberty record and that is on gun rights. According to Gun Owners of America ( ) Duncan Hunter’s rating on gun rights is an A.

    Ron Paul has an even higher rating on gun rights than Duncan Hunter has as Gun Owners of America gave Ron Paul an A+ rating on gun rights. And of course Ron Paul scores high on pro-liberty issues across the board which is why I’m supporting him.

  8. Funny, I find Hunter RIGHT on every issue. VERY right. He is the only candidate I am very comfortable with. How dare FOX play that game with the voter…for God’s sake, if FRED is invited and the other BARELY Republican candidates, how can they not have Hunter on??? STRANGE… I guess not-fox has been really disappointing lately.

  9. I also see HUNTER is terrific on IMMIGRATION, great in support of the unborn, EXCELLENT on GUN RIGHTS, and a CO-SPONSOR of the FAIRTAX.

    His son just got back from the WAR…no BS, tis guy knows what it is to have a son in BATTLE. He puts himself where his mouth is for us.

    I am MORE happy with Hunter than ever after researching him.

  10. Hunter has an A+ rating on NRA. He has already had the fence built in his home district in Calif. & has stopped 80% of illegal entries. He supports readjustment of the unfair trade agreement with China. Many of his opponents don’t even mention some of these problems. IF Huckabee can rise up so quickly to prominance there is still hope for a candidate with real solutions instead of rhetoric.

  11. Ron Paul is NOT an isolationist. That’s the tired old adage first used by reporters who knew nothing about his campaign. Wanting to adjust, or get out of, unfair trade legislation that is very harmful to the country is not isolationist. And neither is wanting to keep our troops out of every problem in the world where Corporate America thinks they can make a profit on, even if it’s bad for the country as a whole.

    I believe that if Ron Paul doesn’t win the Republican nomination, and he porbably won’t, he will still appear on some ballot line for President. And when he does, I’ll have a large billboard size sign on my front lawn supporting him.

  12. Most of the people I know admit to being disillusioned with the 2008 Presidential front runners and so was I, until I did my homework.

    Duncan Hunter was the last name on my list because frankly, I had never heard of him. But the more I researched the more convinced I’ve become that this is the man best suited to occupy the White House. He’s someone who will uphold the values that most of us grew up with, the best qualified, most experienced, most accomplished and best of all: the most consistent of the presidential candidates!

    If you believe in Life, Securing the borders, Winning the War on Terror, Keeping American Jobs in America, then Duncan Hunter is the candidate for you!

    Like me, you’re most likely very busy. So, when you have a few minutes just click this link and get to know Duncan Hunter:

    Thank You,


    ps: If you can – please send this to others in your company as well as your family and friends!

  13. I hope the mean-spirited a-holes in FOX don’t exclude nor Paul nor Hunter in the upcoming Jan 6th debate in NH.It’s the typical game the corporate media is playing with the voters. Independence from the MSM! Do all your research on the net. Don’t believe a word they say.

  14. Ryan said Hunter doesn’t have enough experience to be President but Thompson does??? Duncan Hunter not only served his country in Vietnam but also has been in congress since 1980 and has been Chairman of the Arms Services committee for 4 years. That’s much more experience than Fred has!

    Fox should be ashamed for the stunt they’re pulling in not allowing Hunter and Paul in the debate. And you wonder why we end up with such bad candidates every four years?

  15. I am a RP supporter, but DH is my second choice. I like the idea of RP/DH ticket. Both are well aquainted with the border issue. Both seem to be more interested in what is good for the country than what is good for their own pocket.

    If you can’t vote for DH, please cast your vote for RP

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